love locked down
my love has been standing strong
Monday, May 17, 2010

i won't be using this!! :) Haha, anyways.. Go here: i change for funn :) So go there quick :) :) :) 


10:39 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, May 15, 2010
ignoring your freaking words

Siaal laa kau. Yeahh.. Yestd was okkay , not really. okay.. I don't feel like typing about the cycling part.. It's you have to find yourself... Basically i fall and hurt myself.. scratches and bruises is like everywhere ion my leg... Hmm, but before that.. i hit my toe on this pole while im on the bike..  Well, im a careless and clumsy person. I guess? Yeah i am. In the end I wore loads of plasters. -.- Well, im sorry to all of you.. If your'e angry .. I know it isn't totally my fault but yeah i guess it is. To you kaiting. Im really really sorry.. it wasn't if the bike got stuck and its slippery i wouldn't fall and you be in that position.. Sorry really sorry.. Hope you forgive me.. So yuhh. After that , went back to hosea house dry ourselves. Jonathan came.. i loike jonathan's phrase "imma power ranger!~" .. nonsense laa he -.- then off we go to Ikea.. They eat there but i didn't .. Cos i didn't want to.. Then we walk around and we had funn.. toook loads of family picture (: But yeah. Bought another pillow and a green cup. I'm addicted to pillows.. :)  we wanted to go to stadium afterwards but then we went to Natasha house instead :) Had fun there... Her mother heat up some muffins for us.. Thank god .. That is like first meal . . Ate a few cos tooo hungry :) Hehe , played for awhile then went home limping.. Then at home bought kfc.. Then eat..  then sms kaiting.. then slept freaking earlyy:) Tired mahs. 

"your'e the light of my life".. I still remember that phrase you kept saying .. I like that.. It sound nice. 

craps. Fck it.

10:19 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, May 14, 2010
Then what? hurt me in the heart?! Fuck!

Hullo, ppl.. Again blogging huh? Yepp :) Got malay oral today.. I was stuttering. Wow. End early. Sat with Ranjitha. She told ghost stories to me and the rest of the volleyball girls :) They're nice. We were like laughing non-stop? Cos , i dun really noe why.. :) After that,We went to stadium run.. Ran one round with Jojo.. Then i stop :) Cos i time Hosea's timing.. Well got a little bit moody and angry at someone. Didn't mean too.. Yeah, Moody mah.. Understand and understood ? :) Hah. Slack at Humping Area (jojo calls it) .. Then we slack at We Are The World Corner(ktee calls it) in stadium of course .. Hehe then... We sang loads of songs there and we do human " I LOVE YOU" (pics later.).. Then, we went back to "seating area"(dunno how to call it.) We discussed about Friday trip which is officially today.. I loike:) Then loads of laughing. Went back home afterwards ..  And here i am.. bored.. Enjoy:





Do you unblock me just because you want me to know what your'e gonna do with her..? Or tell me how much you love her soo..? Well , thats a failure. 

1:34 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Memories were streaming into my mind when i step a foot into stadium.

Hullo again.. I guess today was like the last written-exam :D *rejoicing not fully* . Tomorrow, will be having.. Oral! Im okay with oral but, but i duno what time i need to be there.. Early then 1pm or later then that? Well just be early then 12 can bahs! I guess? Hmm, whatever. Lol today went stadium with a bunch of boys.. Thats was awkward.. :) Haha , and and aft they runn.. Me, natasha, Jojo, hosea and YK eat at pizza hut.. Lols.. Over there we ate and talk and Laugh .. It was funny.. Then yk went .. i duno where.. Then .. We went back to stadium.. Hmm, we had funn there.. Took many pictures(later).. Then we talk about a lot of stuff.. blabla .. okays..Here are the pictures!! Enjoy~

sweet and awesome!
Want somemore look at my facebook :D easyy okks! 

I guess time to time... I still miss you. I don't know why. It's difficult to understand and it' s also difficult to understand why the hell i'm like this.. And i guess everywhere i go i could picture the memories of us everywhere. It's like hard to let go of them because they will always linger in me. I know it's time to let go. Screw it .. I can't. I just can't because i've no strength to let go...

6:54 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, May 10, 2010
Rainbow after rain, seems like nothing is happening.

Its been awhile now.. I've been busy studying for my exams. Gosh its not worth it. I studied so hard for my maths but . Seems like nothing get inside my brains. Oh screw it. Maths exams were difficult just now. Couldn't finish in time.. Panic at the wrong time.. Waste 15 miins on each question. Gosh i wish you were just here. I feel retarded now. Felt angry with myself. I was trying to  be soo positive but can't . Why? Because i can't complete it and and.. ahh screw it. I hope i just got another chance to study again.. Since i couldn't complete it.. 

Rainbow, rainbow, you used to be my pillar of strength. Where did you go? Why must i put up with the rain just to be with you. Just to see you shining at me. Smiling at me. I've given up on everything eversince you're gone. Just wish you here with me, supporting me. I've never felt so empty and tired. Gosh hope you will forgive me. You did.. But you turn me away And thats not i wanted after a year plus. I just have to wait huh? 

craps. craps.. Im writing craps. bye.

2:45 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, May 6, 2010
A day at Hosea's house with Kaiting

Hullo, hullo, long time never type out my daily life, soory , been busy. Today, i had fun at Hosea's house with Ktee. Hmm, fun though. But, scary and epic.. Okays. Let me start the story. Me and Ktee were walking to Hosea's house.. We are like random go to his house. I know. My bro mah. We went there to study :D Wohoo . Lols. But , in the end ... We never study cos i want to watch this Thai show.. Coming Soon. Ktee been telling me about the show.. Damn nice.. Thats what i thought .. Untill i realise that it scare the crap out of me. 
The story:
I thought it was alright, but the sound effects were frightening .. And Ktee's sound effects XD . Lols, i love her translations since the subtitle is in chinese :D She and hosea made funn of it :D Cool sehys. You know why? Cos i was freaking scared. there's one part where i jumped out of my seat and take my bio file to cover my face . O.O You must be thinking.. What the hell was i doing.. Im scared okays. Then when i get too nervous and scared i crushed my bio file and it's torn :( Well nehmind.. Okays.. got one part.. Where i accidentally bang onto hosea .. My head.  bang onto him. Wow.. I was too freaking scared thats why.. Ktees still can make sound effects :D But like it though .:D Haha.. Then , they like add in sick stuff to the translations .. But that didn't happen in the story ^^ .. lols. 

I freaking enjoyed today :D though i did study fr awhile.. But.. Not fr long i guess :D Teehees! 

11:06 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, April 30, 2010
Hi, im Aunty Shahira :)

I don't know , Is like is he keeping to my promise or is he doing this because is his hobby? Well anyway that was just some kind of random thinking i had since just now :) Well , 2 more minutes my sister's birthday over :) Gosh she had about 130+ wishes , Stupid. I just wanna say happy birthday boo boo or poo poo :D Enjoy my phone :( I shouldn't have  give you my phone before i get a new phone for myself . But who cares, I always keep to my promise . Remember that :P Hahaha, I feel like sleeping . But i don't want . Because i lazy :P I miss smelling a person hair. God, that was random. And , i love being called aunty shahira.. Imma Aunty you know , in class :) haha.. Okkehs , thats enough of randomness.. I should get some rest... Because exams is today -.-


12:07 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Exams coming .

Hullo people, sorry its been sucha long time since i wrote on my blog.. Maybe its because i studyy (: I good girl mah . Cheyy Fat hope .. :D This thursday is my Soul Sister birthday , wonder what to buy or do for her. Im giving my white phone to her then buying new phone on friday.. I guess ..I hope soo .. Stupid starhub sim card.. Oh yesh pls dont message me on that number. :D The current one.. I might be getting new number :D soo hold on there :D On Friday, exams!! Officially panic !!! Urghh .. I study also no use.. I only studyy science.. My maths i do assessment books .. that sucks cos i dont understand a thing .. ): SO sedih .. Ohh yesh i lazy type some more. So continue read my lifestory , boring .. And tagg always.. Just dont tagg nonsense (:

11:59 PM
Yours truly. elyana