love locked down
my love has been standing strong
Monday, November 30, 2009
yeah..It's all unfair..

Unfair is my word.. For now. I just realise no one will be  there for me on the day.. My day... I hate it . Why life has to be so unfair for me?!~~~ Cant i just be happy on that day? Just fuck u people!!

7:42 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, November 29, 2009
something that i should scream and shout

Hmm, i wonder what should i scream and shout about...
Ohh, yes.. I almost forget.. to those who wanted to see my new and kinda of weird blog, PLS, go to dead i did it last night .. cause i thought my blog is like so ruin.. Duhh it is.. but now it is better and a bit normal... plain , i mean... Hmm, What else shall i scream and shout about... Oh yes... 5 more days.. Haizz,,, Actually im not looking forward to it.. At all! yeah.. Dun bother.. i just dun bother like other people do.. yeah .. Oh well , i will blog at my second blog.. So just tag me there, aites? :D
Chaos , peeps!:D

5:57 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, November 28, 2009

   Hmm, I felt so tired...
After spending my time on this comp doing my blog!
my blog skin right now really sucks.. 
What the heckssss....

I got no other choice but do it this way-.-'''
i still have to edit it some more...

so i have to end my post here..
Anything , or , suggestions...
just tagged me there aites?


7:53 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, November 26, 2009

lalasss~~~ I fixed my phone! yea! I mean my replacement phone... Yepp , Yepp...
haizzz.. But i felt no difference.. Im still the way im.. WHAT THE heck... So sad... so tired~~~


Tomorrow maybe... willl be a better day... ( :


7:09 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I dun want to continue this no more..

Im so tired. Tired of having this life.. I dun want to continue this anymore... I just hope things will just go back to normal.. Im so tired.. Im so lonely .. Cant continue anymore... Im just lonely,, I dont have much friends behind my back .. I cant take your stuppid advice.. It work for you but not for me... Not for me.... No longer ... Not anymore..

I just hate this life. this stuppid life.!

6:47 PM
Yours truly. elyana

I wanna cry and feel like like sleeping tilll I wont woke up forever

i duno why all of sudden i began to miss you..
and for no reason why i couldnt close my eyes in peace. 
i just feel like sleeping and never wake up.

I kept finding reasons to talk to you.
i just cant keep going on...
i wish this was just a dream that is hurting me like reality .

i want to close my eyes , but i kept tearing up..
I thought of changing myself but ... i just cant..

i cant ..

i look myself in the mirror 
and trying to ask myself..

Is that me ?
why do i look like a piece of shit?
why do i look like a dead body standing on its feet?

why i dont recognized myself?
i look so different.. 
I duno who am i anymore..

Im so helpless.,

i cared for you but u seems to like ignored me or you dont even realized it.
i want you back on my side but you are drifting away .
so far away....

im just like a fucking bitch that doesnt know reality!!
im just like a fucking jerk who doesnt know herself


i cant take your advice of  that im not alone..
 im just alone..

I just miss you..

3:19 AM
Yours truly. elyana


im so suayy..

What the heckkk..

My replacement phone for like 1 month , could not slide.... Stupp Sonny Ericsson Phone

I bet im so suayy

SO SUAY!!!!! 


1:25 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
tearing for no reason

i teared when i heard this song..
ceritaku by revalina.

Di malam ini , Di waktu ini
Ku masih terkenang dirimu
Biarpun tiada kau disisi , diriku .
Senyumanmu , raut wajah mu
Membuatku terus merindumu
Biarpun kau meninggalkan aku , cintaku .

Ku cuba tanpamu disisi
Ku cuba tanpa hidup denganmu
Meskipun ku tak mampu lupakan mu , kasihku .
Ku cuba tanpamu dihati
Ku cuba berhenti merindukan mu
Ternyata tiada pengganti dirimu , selamanya .

Sedetik ini , ketika ini
Ku masih memikirkan mu
Dimanakah dirimu kini , gadisku .
Andai aku , ulangi lagi
cerita aku dengan kamu
Takkan ku menyakiti hatimu , bintangku .

Ku cuba tanpamu disisi
Ku cuba tanpa hidup denganmu
Meskipun ku tak mampu lupakan mu , kasihku .
Ku cuba tanpamu dihati
Ku cuba berhenti merindukan mu
Ternyata tiada pengganti dirimu , selamanya .
Kini . . . .

in any way it means that i cant forget about THE HE..



10:40 PM
Yours truly. elyana

finally , i teared for the first time in this 3months~

I message THE HE yesterday.. We talk for so long.. I duno why i ask a lot of stupp question such as like:

I said:when we broke up do you like miss mee? 
He said:Yes, i do...

Iike suddenly cry.. All this while he does miss me once.. My mistake.. I thought he doesnt at all... How could i think that way.? I mean i thought he hated me cause we walk in a separate ways. 

Now , I bet he has move on... No longer Thinks about me... 

seriously , i do miss him... Not once but all my life..

I regret for not realizing he has been there for me throughout my life.. 

All i know im so stuupp and foolish...


2:29 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, November 23, 2009

what the heck!!! That stupp CY Complained about my design .. Stupp instructor.. Is not like as if HES wearing it.. Everyone said its OK but u just ruin it... Then you think that u are good in drawing.. Hah.. LOL... What a bad day! Why cant things turn the way I wanted... 

Then THE HE.. Another person for your INFO... THE HE promised me that he wont ignore me again... Screw him.. I hope he just wont loose that book of that Mr Chen.. Gave us for our lesson at that time... What to do.. I put all my trust in him. So sad. I hope he will return for me the book to Mr Chen.. Hope so..

Hmm, OMG.. My friend told me that there is religious class today.. WTH.. Im so tired.. Dun want to go.. But what to do.. I must go.. It's like a good thing to sure today i wont be having sleepless night... Yay! I will sleep soundly... ZZZZzzzzZZZ~~~~

Haha, anyway i will blog till around 7:45PM.. Yepp yepp ... Im so tired.. I wanna sleep~~~~~~~


OK... I think i will catch a nap... ZZZzzzZZZZ~~~~ 


Chaos! Snores~ 

CHAOS ppl.. Wanna catch a nap~~


7:32 PM
Yours truly. elyana

today November the 23RD... Where i felt so sad...

I duno why i felt so sad... Today sucks. hmm. I think today it's because terrifying dream. It's was so scary and it was real... I just dun wanna know.. Today i will be going to school for guitar.. Im planning to meet up with Charlotte and Sabrina.. Sab will be late.. Duno why. Today i have to hand in my design to the Seniors...i wonder what people will think of it .. It was quite... Nevermind... Hmm , i must check today's weather.. -.-'''
So that i could bring my umbrella , so that no one will get drenched like that time. Maybe i could fetch them. Yepp yepp.. Hmm.. Kkk.. I must check the weather now.. 

Hmm. It's 27 degrees celcius.. Mostly cloudy... No rain!!! I want rain!!! I love rain!!! I want the world to be pouring for like hour or minutes!!! 

But i really want a cold weather.... Ohh.. Thats why i felt so sad .. No rain.. What the hecks...-.-''''

10:40 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Im just tired.. So tired.

Im just tired .. Fucking tired. Dun want to continue this no more. Fucking hating this. Im just tired of myself. And looking at you drifting away from me....

SO tired....-.-'''

5:25 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, November 21, 2009
the day which is yesterday...

Hmm, yesterday during guitar it rained heavily as ever.. Few of my friends got wet in the rained -.-.'''
Hmm, i was given a task to design a design for our Guitar- tee.. Im not to sure whether its a nice looking design.. Well we planned everything.. Me , Charlotte , and other two seniors .. Yepp it's nice to me.. But im not to sure for the others... But before the guitar lessons starts i hurt my knee and i go around asking for plasters-.-'''
Haha stupp right? Hmm, we as in me and Charlotte , made Sabrina wait at Mac'd.. For at least ! hour.. If you're reading this, IM super sorry.. I hope you understand that we got "short" meeting in school... Haha..

Then when i get home i, i went to do the usual stuff, blah blah , boring, I when online , then some freak when offline after that person saw me online ... ONE word WHATEVER.. You are just trying to run away from the fact that i TURN you away. I have to.. Im just tired of you. Im over you. You just ruined my day..

5:33 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, November 20, 2009
Hmmm... I , just hate this life. SUPER boring

I need something to do... Hmm, just now i tried playing the intro of "still got the blues" by "Gary Moore" song... 1998 song. Hmm, though i do not have electric guitar but i tried with acoustic guitar.. Hmm, sound the same.. My grandaddy really want to buy for me one.. Hmm, but i think , i rather save money and buy on my own.. Dont want to waste his money . Yea, wait till im older then, i will be able to play .. Must learn. I really need someone to teach me.. I know who can play... but.. FAT hope , elyana.. Like real his gonna teach you.. when his nobody to me... I know he's also trying to learn too.. But, i know that one day , he will be a PRO guitarist. Support him all the way. ( :

12:53 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, November 19, 2009
another boring day| :

Hmm... Today , im a bit CRAZY... Hmm, i got nothing better to do... Seriously , before i went to my stuppp religion class which i dreaded to go ... I did something stupp.. Like....Taking pictures with cookie monSTAR! Hehe!

Haha.. Not clear.. then i was to get ready for later... SO.... I...

Another pic... The cookie monster was a bit weird weird.. Why? first thing.. The eyes are spoilt snd the scond thing its not tht fury like the real cookie monster.. Haha( :

But  im FARKING sad... A lot of things happen after  that .. I just hurt someone 's heart.. If you are reading this.. Im so sorry. Im so sorry.. Dun 'whatever' me please.. Im so sorry.. Just give me a break..


1:17 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hmmm... Another boring day...

11:19 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, November 16, 2009
hmm, so boring ...

Stupid sehhyy today. Very boring. Woke up at 4:35PM... Because yesterday i slept at 6:45AM!!!! OMG .. what the heck.. i slept so late for the first time...  waht to do i cant sleep... Im suppose to M.I.A today but .. i think twice i wouldnt want to... So bored. Yepp yepp ... Hmm .. Today i have to go to my religious class... Wht the heck.. THE P5 Yana .. Super irratating.. Shout here , shout there... Wht the heck sehyy .. Then i go and shout at her back.. Then she keep quiet and she got scolded by my 'GURU' .. Haha , all my friends all laugh at her. Yea, I hope my P6 friend will go to my school ... I mean she say she might go ... LOVE WANIE!!!

Heeheee , whoosh!!!! I went to YES supermarket to buy something for my , me and my sis went there.. We toook long time to remember what are we suppose to buy..Haha... STUP siaa... Haha.. Just kidding.  Hmmm... Me and mmy sister finally remember.. Haha.. Hmm, so we took that thing.. And I the both of us saw BoBo OWNER . So hot!!!!!!!!! Hmmm , you must be wondering who's BoBo...

this is BoBo!!!
its exactly like my cat BoyBoy..
they came from the same breed!!!!
1Yea.. We plead my grananny to take BoBo in but she said that she's tired..
So... we wanted to put itt somewhere save...
But at last .. There is this CUTE ande hot GUY took BoBo in...
He promise to take care of BoBo ...since he love cats!!!!

I long forget about him .. But he suddenly.. appeared from nowhere..
And he just live at my block!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha ..

Ohh well , I wil;l have to stop here.. Im super lazy to write some more!!!
Hope to see him again!!! BoBo owner!!!

11:33 PM
Yours truly. elyana


Its been such a long time since i blog.
Well today was nice day. I was like shopping all day. With my family. Haha :D
Hehe. Uhhh, i bought many dresses for myself.... "that is so unusual of me." Yepp , dont usually wear dresses.. What to do ... Im changed... Haha.. So happy. Grandad bought my Grananny A 100$+++ SMALL HANDBAG ...
Wow , Hmm , i thought its was funny , but they are so sweet old couple... And its like my Grananny belated birthday present. I wish when i got married , I hope my husband will like be as sweet as my grandad... Haha "FAT HOPE , ELY"
Haha , hope it will just came true. Hope so. Yepp Yepp..
Hmmm , i wonder this few days can never sleep -.-"'
Must be the bad dreams im experiencing now..  So much pain to the dreams...-.-'''
Haha ... Not sharing. -.-''''
Hmm, well i like to write some more but im very lazy LOL.-.-'''

2:39 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If you think im like that. Why don't you reflect on yourself? i dun want to start a fight. Why must you start it? Whats wrong with you. Im trying to change and you?
You have change so much. I dun want to say it. I dun want to say your mistakes . I , myself , have mistakes.
I've had enough with this. I took my punishment of being unfaithful and all. Stop luhh. You think you can gain something by scolding me and alll?

who are you? You are nobody to me. How could you scold me? Then if you think im so bad in everyone eyes , what about you? why jage tepi kain org? I have everything already. Dont try to ruin my life , boleh tak? Stop luhh. Dont this to me. Do it for your own. Marah me for what, nak dapat dosa? Nak sangat? Dont use your friends as your backings. I dont want to start a fight. I just want to be normal. I hate being like this. Asal tak kesian kan org? Why be so pathetic by scolding me ? Dont be so pathetic luhh. For what i want to  act , what i can gain from it? FAME? Sorry luhhh. Im not interested in you any more... i won't care even if you die infront of my eyes. Not tryibng to curse you . But it's a fact.

Sorry if i offend you in any way. I want to taubat.

If can you to.


10:36 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, November 9, 2009

People make me pissed off today..
Alot... Cant tell WHO or WHEN...
Just dont treat me like an emotional BAG .....
PLss dont this to me . Im not one...
Just dont make me feel sad or bad...
im tired being one..

Ok? sorry... Im truly ammmmm
I didnt mean to make you angry...

SORRY!!! IM so SORRY!!!!! maafkan aku!!!!!!!
sorry luhh!!!!
so sorry

what i do? what can i do to make everything right?
why am i always wrong..
i feel like crying but i dont want to .
i dont want to be labled ...
things gone back to normal
but , why?
why it turn out differently?


asal suma harus menjadi seperti ini?

i dun want you to  upset with me!!!!!!!!!!1

9:51 PM
Yours truly. elyana


Im so happy today! Why? 'Cause today got guitar lesson... Yea! Finally i could meet up my with friends... so happy.. Last night was a nice thing to talk to.. BuT too bad  is private.... HEHE must not talk about it..... HE might know..... hehe...

Well, this wish is for my darling BESTIE!!!

Samm, i hope you read this because i want to wish you a happpy birthday to you in advance...
i remembered your birthday .. You should remember my tooo... ohk???
YOU must remember!!!
no luhh just kidding..  Dont have to remember.. I dont want to be an ungrateful bestie that force you to remember...(:
talk to you later

12:12 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wow , today is my quite boring day... DUHHH... i ask HIM  to online today... But HE said HE was busy. Only tomorrow HE could online. Duno luhh... Thats one thing weird about me... I dont understand why i like HIM... HEs just a normal guy not so special.. Not hot.. Not cute. Sweet and Friendly are HIS only personality. Oh i weonder why i like HIM so much.... i wonder why..
Another personality is that HE is EMO me -.-'''
But im  trying to change and THATs ME...

yupp.. Dont think negatively about me.. PLSSSS.. i beg you.. dont think of me that way, im trying to change..
YOU know who you are..
just give me a bit time..

6:48 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Today its sunday, O8.11.2009,2:19PM

I got so many things to tell. Hmm , let me start from yesterday night. Hmm, yesterday was a great thing to talk about.. With all the delicacy starring at me..!!!
first thing: sis and i were hungry. No food were left behind from dinner. Mum called the Mc Donald's delivery line. She kept repeating her orders... -.-'''
Our orders were total up and it cost us $34.50. -.-'''
she kept asking why is it so expensive...
one HOUR later. We received our food. with the nice smelling rose up to my nose. It tickles. Hmm, i was shock when i saw three Filet O'Fish burger starring at me, whereas i remembered that mum ordered two of it -.-'''... ONLY!!!!
Mum said tthat " OMG , 30 bucks all gone, in a blink of an eye"
shockinly, my sis ask my mum whether she ordered two MC spicy-s...
she... Suddenly gone quiet.. and ate her burger..
FYI, i ate two burgers, HEHE... cause .... during dinner i don't ate that much... and i was hungry... LOL

second thing:I get to digged some stories... From a PERSON ... obvious..
It's PRIVATE.. All i can tell you that .... The PERSON gossips about a GAL that i don't reallly like....

3rd thing, which is today:NOTHING, its pratically boring...
-.-''' ...

1:38 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yet another boring day . OMG luhh. Yupp. Haiya. so sad. ):
Wating for my best friends to talk to me. Duhh, Hmm , three more days to samm' birthday I think. Not to sure .. Well , i wonder what to get for him.. Since HEsmy BESTIE for life.. HAHA... Just wish him will do.. HAHA.. (:
But POOR him luhh.. Must get something for him. HEHE... I feel like... Takking him for lunch..
HEHE!!! LOL!!! (:
just kidding.. no money or what..
I Wonder what to give him luh... HEHE.
so sad..
must plan luhh..

6:56 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, November 6, 2009

I met someone new today... Hes special, not really... I don't know him that well and i could he's special... Yea, im crazy for today... im only stressed out , not that much. Well, i start to like him.. OMG... Hes cute but not hot... YESH.... I like him!!!!!!! well, hmm, i hope he doesn't know that i like him.... AND, i hope he doesn't read my blog... I will be dead if he read this.... hope so he doesn't.... BY TH WAY , to all the people who read my blog , pls don't think is the old him...
i don't wanna to talk about him. He isn't mine!!!!
I don't love you no more!!!!
i only like this guy now ... No more the old him!!! yesh, i long forget about you... ):

7:14 PM
Yours truly. elyana


HMM... Today, a weird thing happened to me. I would't want talk about it .. Don't bother. Hmmmmmmm... yea , yet another boring day... Yea i wish go out with my friends... Yesh , with my friends... and not other person you think i want to go out with. Not anymore.... Hmm .. you think what shall i do today??? Play HABBO? very lazy... chat with sabrina or samuel??? nah, they not at home... One went to tuition , another one went to primary sch.. yesh.. no one to talk to.. in fact i do have some friends to talk to... yea, but they either talk something boring OR they gossip... NO offence... why am i given a second chance to renew and to have a second life.. ?? yea , what ever it is im BORED for GOODNESS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1:44 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, November 5, 2009
põëm ïñ mâläÝ.

cinta hanya datang dengan seribu bintang
apabila kamu kekeseorangan
tetapi cinta meningalkan aku dengan serpihan kaca di dalam hati aku.
cinta ini hanya menikam hatiku beberapa kali
dengan pisau yang begitu tajam.
cinta ini bodoh kepada saya sekarang .
tidak ada makna sekarang untuk mencari cinta .
cinta hanya membuat aku menjerit dalam sepi.
tanpa orang mendapat mendengar aku.
kenapa ya ALLAH?
kenapa lah aku dibuat seperti bergini.

5:36 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Another day with no one beside me.. im super bored. With only facebook and habbo to look or to play.. I wish someone new here like my friend's friend... hope could talk to them. Is it reallly because of the world is ending that my life became so boring as ever..??
why men??? I mean , ya , icant possibly bblame the whole world of what is going on... yea.. Hope he's here to comfort me and all. seriously... LIFE sucks....

3:35 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today is my boring day. So lonely with no one by my side.. I was wondering shall i add HIM in my facebook?? Or add him to my MSN... OR much better dont add HIM at all. Well , what he might think?? he will think that " oh this girl got nothing better to do" yea , he will definitely ignore me for life.. what a disaster. I hope this things neever happened before ... Put me to a lot of stress. And make me fail my mission to go express at first.. Now i ended stuck in the same stream... yea , i envy a lot of people who succesfully went there ... wow.... i promised him that i will go to express but i failed to do so.. im sorry... im..

1:01 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

this is charlotte , happy , active and weird for yesterday.. this is during our guitar lessons... she was eating fries and teacher did not see it... How did she do that ? I don't know... well shes cute anyway...

i love you , charlotte!!!!!!!!
just don't be sad no more!!!!!!!

11:54 AM
Yours truly. elyana