love locked down
my love has been standing strong
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Im suppose to do my hw, not reading books..

Right now, im doing my damn homework. I duno that im the only one rushing homework.. for no reason.. Hehehe... Teruk perh. We were supposed to find 2 books for our homewrok right? Hehs, i did.. But, instead of doing my homework, i read. Huh?! Omagosh... Teruk perh.. Serious.. I began to give all my concentrations on that book. it was actually about crime and and half of thriller... My type of books.. Siootts, then i forget that i got homework to finished up.. haish..Then some more i eating the chocolate that Sabrina gave me.. She bought from Swiss.. During her trip to Swiss!:D she also gave it to Siti Omairah.. Hekihs!:D  Got feeling uh!!!
Currently, im like msn-ing with Sabrina, Listening to Aerosmith songs-.-''.. i know its an old Band and songs. But its cool , So coool!:D
Hey, right now, i know why i feel like waiting for something at night? i think i already know. I think im waiting for A call. A phone call. From, idk.
Guess i have to continue doing my homework. Or i will stop half way. Bye bye dearies:D
See yaas*muahs*

10:29 PM
Yours truly. elyana

please eyes, spare me...

Hello again peepos, peeping tom, scodengs, darlas, sygs... I want to sleep... But i must complete my homework before next week.. yeah , you must be asking me.. I got lappy already.. but you dun wanna do.. Stupid luhh korang. I know i got lappy but i dun have the stupid Microsoft Thingy.. Thanks to my Syg , darling Siti Omairah lend me the installer today.Alhamduillah. Amin.i can do .. its because just i now i fck up with my SIM card, i did not manage to do.. haiyooo..yalah, stupid SIM card rosak.. Damn you luhh..
i think i must do now.. Before i fell asleep! That will be a total disaster.. Tau tkpe.. Wakkakahakahks:D
okks luhh, i also malas nk continue write..
See yaas syg:D

2:19 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Full of wonders.

i duno ... suddenly i got the feeling that , i duno
I knew i had fun at Siti's house, playing guitar hero, watch videos...
But, i felt so moody..
i duno . wht the hell is wrong with me..
Shit ass..
why am i so stuptards.?
i duno.. i duno my  own feelings.
And thts weird enough.
oh yesh, i get to engrossed onto the guitar hero, siti and sabrina are like watching videos.
yeah, it was sweet..
I mean, friends get together..
And sabrina if you are reading this.. i wanna thank you for giving me the chocolates tht you bought from swiss
and the funny thing is, that we agree to meet at inter.
We wait at the same place BUT we never saw each other.
so , i went to Siti's house..
I went giving regards for like 5mins.
Then come along sab...
we also keep saying it.
When the both of us shout it loud.
then she can hear.
No offence bby!
im bored...
And mostly im tired, shag, and all the words are coming out from me, i wonder why..
I happy already. Because i went to install the stuff in my lappy.
Thanks siti dear!
 for lending me your installer thingy.
love you and sab alot lot.!!!!
after this im soooooooooo gonna take a shower AGAIN!!!!! AGAIN!!!!
I think im the one in the house tht waste the electricity.
I wonder whts wroong with me...
Darlas, i will come back around 8:45?
Or earlier?
I duno..
See yaas:D
Love you sygs:D
Yg manje manje:D

8:19 PM
Yours truly. elyana

im going there; i mean staying right here!

heyys peepos..
Im back for another post..
I just wanna to say that i went into:
sehhy, with my SYG sehhy..
Want to know who?
Sabrina "sprinkle"

So fucking happy..

there something i will like to say:

Im really happy tht fucktards peepos are blown by the wind..
Cheyy no luhh..

why am i so mean?
i wont be meanie to you:D

to all the peepos out there.. Jgn terasa ehk..
when i say i dun mean i dun mean you luhh ehk...

Nevertheless, i will study..
Though i get good results.
I will aim higher..
I musnt be stuptards:D
my Religion teacher say: "pray alot; pray for the door tht was shut in your heart , soul and brain to be unlock.
unlock ; so that you can concentrate on your study.
dun remember friends when your studying. espeacially bad friends:D
they only harm you then doing you good.
They will make your door shut forever.
ANd remember; though you study ; you must remember  Allah and Koran.
How he open up the door of yours, and you must "bersolat" alot cuz it will only make you feel like youre in heaven and you feel peace."

this advice is really good thts how i passed with flying colours...
relly good advice..
Those out there.. Just take this advice.
if you wanna be good. and forget friends tht do you harm..


Aman and PEACE Yall!

3:54 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
hey there..

hey people.. as you can see that i cahnge my blog skin.. yeah.. i know.. cuase i get sick of my old one.. it sucks you know. Well, tomo.. i will be all alone. oh yesh, i need GTG!
well, enjoy huh!
kks, byes!:D

4:13 AM
Yours truly. elyana



Jyeah peeps:D
this was on..
I think yesterday or when..
I forget..
But this pictures are like when me Johnathan were like chatting..
I mean Jonathan Loh..
Mweeheees dearies:D

I  duno whts tht..
But it sure make me laugh!

I know my drawing sucks on Lappys..
BUt itsnt cuteeeee????!!!!!

Haish, thts me...
Jonathan draws tht:D
Isnt cutte?!

I like..
I wanna thank jonathan for bringing light to my life tht night!:D

See yaas:D

1:07 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Ohhh, 3 generations!

My favourite idol had just won the battle of the sexes..!!!
Ohh gosh...

Sezairi Sezali!!
Hes is fcking hot..
Very cute..


I cant believe its been 3 "generations"
still WIN the
Singapore Idol...

I love them!!!!!!!

I love Sezairi:D!

Hes hot...

Stop.. it luuhh..

see yaas!!!!

11:25 PM
Yours truly. elyana

i just wanna cry my eyes out...

heyy if u just wanna hear my craps..
Just go to my stupid OnSugar blog.

I just hate you fcks..

2:39 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, December 26, 2009
peace peepos:D

Im sooo happy!
later, im watching 40 year old Virgin...

Right now im watching one christmas show..

Nothing better to do:D

I sang just now..
I mean karoke-ing..
Of course at home..
My voice is getting better..

I have a someone sweet!
Called that person..

" why did you stop, continue luhh, We are so excited to hear!"

Why should should i say!!!:D
You peevs!

chey no luhh...
Gosh, im so hungry...

I feel like in heaven talking to a goodie person!!!:D


he cool mans!:D

12:15 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, December 25, 2009
whheeeee..... Whooosh!!

dear blogggie..
Today i had awesome experience!

"shutup elyana , cut the crap.."

Hmm, okks...
Today, i play another different instrument...
Keyboard A.K.A electric piano..

"everyone knows  that.. unless retarded people dun understand."

I played;
Unfaithful By Rihanna.

Yeah, another meaningful song.
I admit..
Im unfaithful.
Thats why i decided to play this song.
I mean learn the song.

And guess what..

"can you please complete your sentence... Haiyoo..."

Guess what?
I wanna learn a lot song..
I also learn the song through;

I just learn Halo; Take A bow; Youre not Sorry..

I like the three songs...
I know you must be saying "SOOOOO outdated.."
Ohh please..
Im not..
I just like the songs!!!

After learning the songs;
100% perfect-os

I will take a video and.....
I will UPLOAD IT to Youtube..
And ohh yesh;
I will sing.

"im sure 'pecah rabak'"

I trained myself singing kks!!!
With my atuk and the rest of my family..
He say:

"please sing louder"
"your voice will be nicer.."

the rest...
" you sing like a mice"

Yeah, right...
You peepos ; mum and JieJie..
Are no better!!;D

Kks, im being sucha bragger!!!

And i wanna sch start now...
Cuz, Hmm, i dun think sooo...
I dun wanna..
I rather face 4 walls then peepos..
Cheyy , no luh!!:D

see yaas peepos:
Saynag you peepos!!

Big muahs!:D

See yass

3:46 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I wanna say, good work to my friends!

Wanie, I wan to say...
Dun be sad kks?
I know you want to go my sch!
But its ok that you ter-make it into another sch...
Be happy!
At least we still can meet every Monday & Tuesday!

And other peepos;
My loved friends;
Jgn sedih kks?

my schedule for today!:
first , wake up around 5-6pm..

"Elyana! Pemalas nyer!!!"

cheyy, canot sleep luh beb!
Sleep luhh!


Second thing, of course do the usuals!

After feeling fresh, EAT!

Then, nothing better to do,
I was like thinking:
"Since when have i became so violent playing boxing with the blood and all"

Since when i was a small kid;
love watching wrestling..
So typical of me!
yaa luhh grandady like watching it...
I also like to waatch!
Now, i like watching Boxing..
Or Thai boxing.
nice, beb!


Then, suddenly..
I got the feeling playing guitar.
So i play.
Starting with Hey there Dehlia song..
Stupid sehy...
Still canot geddit!

Stupid, then i went out to buy drink..
Thirsty siots!

Then, i watch Chinese drama!
I duno wht it called..
But the actress is:
Jenatte Aw.
Fcking preety luhh she..
The show is dang nice!

So sweet!!

Then 10, which is now..
I mean 11...
I have nothing to do..

Thank you for listening to my CRAPS!


Big muahs!

11:01 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

finally i can see clearer.
With my new Specs.
PS; i f anyone thinks that im copying other people wearing black specs...
NO, im not!

i like a song...
This song is ;
Your'e not sorry.
This is Taylor Swift's song..
Very old song..
But i like the song very much..
Cause the song is very meaningful.
It means everything to me..

I imagine a person that is related to this song singing to me...

I like it when thaqif sing it..
cause he sang it beautifully...
And hes a guy..
And it suppose to be a guy..
Well here it is...

Click to play.

Hes cute??

Of course!:D


I duno him at all...!
But hes cute..

He sing and plaay the guitar well..

Heres a another song on guitar.;

Oh yesh..
Sweet huh?
I like the song..!

And this!
I love this song...
I want to learn this song both on Guitar and on keyboard..

Jason Mraz.

I know the Chords but...
I duno...
HOw to play it..

All of this is From Thaqif on Youtubbe..
I dun own anything..

If you wanna know how i look like in specs..
  LAter or tomorrow ookkss?
Very lazy to upload picto-s..!

See ya later or tomo...

10:59 PM
Yours truly. elyana

my days..

Right now i got nothing better to do..
Im like so fall in love with Thaqif on youtube.!!!
hes cute.. and..
He plays the guitar and piano welll!!!!!
my dream guy..


Hmm, today , i very sad..
Cause , the shop broke my specs..
Then they will replace it..
Hmm, i will take it today..
im like so blur right now!!!

evrything like so blur..
Right now ...
Im like listening to thaqif singing ..
Im yours..
hes playing the piano...

Actually.. i dun even know him..
Thats sad..
But its cool!!!

oh yesh..
TOday , i kinda cook something..
My grandma cook Fried Macaroni.
Then, since i got cheese..
Why not i melt them with the macaroni..?

Yesh, then i put it in the microwave..
its like...
The smell really tickles my nose when it start to melt...

So nice!!!:D
Then when i tried it..
The taste of the Macaroni Cheese,
Just the way i like it..!!

I still remember my grandpa said to me..
I must start learn to cook from my grandmaa...
to be a good wife..

Thenn this then that..

But i do help my grandma to cook..


Anws, speaking about food,
Im hungry ..
I've grown fat!

Cheyy, no luhh..
Chubby only..


Tired le's..

Hmm, i wonder why im so tired but i cant sleep..


i will blogg at my next blogg ..
See yaas:D


3:28 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, December 21, 2009
there's something i should let it out...

For the first time i blog something so personal over here..
I usually blog in my tumblr and onsugar blogs.
Cause i know only a few peepos know the both blog..
Okks, here the thing..

im thinking..
why life have to be sooo unfair..
I mean i did nothing wrong but it seems that u push me away.
That person did something wrong to you , you forgive.
Why make things difficult?
Why not make things easier?
oh goshh,
I know the reason why you push me away..
BUt you dun have to that ,
Am i right?
Just think how difficult it is that i have to put this things up?
U just make things happen but you never think about my future.
Why are soo selfish to me?
Why not others?
I make your life happier each day...
But time goes on, i felt rejected..
Of course,
You dont care a shitt about me..

Right now you may think im heartbroken , emo end all..
Oh please stop that thoughts of yours.
Im not..

Fck you mann..
All you do is to show off and pissed me off..
With the fck-ing lots of love..
All around you..
And you just flung it to everyone.
Ohhh pls,

Lead a life that you suppose to lead..

Why ruin a girl life?
alameks, If only i could slap your face right now it will like:
Good heaven, I manage to wake you up from your fantasy that it isn't your life!


Stuupid fcktards peepos!!!

Ohh shittys you.
You make me have insomnia!

Yeah right.
Why should i scold you here?
Like as if youre gonna read ma' blog..

im fck up cuz of you!
Ohhh pls wake upp!!!


P/S: Im NOT talking about a bitch nor a besterd!

4:00 AM
Yours truly. elyana

you know what??...

Im sooo angry at this personn..
But im not elaborating it somemore..
Later , some peepos 'terasa'

Hmm, im so exicccted for tomorrow,
CUz, im getting my specs!!!!!:D

Im so lazy uhh to blog!!!!

2:23 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, December 20, 2009

tumblr blog change into:

wait a minute click after you finish read this post!

in 5,4,3,2,1
GO and click luhh!!!
Who ask you to read somemore!:D

4:19 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, December 19, 2009

today , i got mmy eyes checked..
My degree is so high!!!
Its like 300plusplus...

hmm, my mum decide to get me specs...
Because i almost get this disease..
I duno but my mum know!
Duhh, she use to work at this Gleneagles hospital as an admin in this eye clinic..
She knows most of the thingy.

Then , my sis change her specs..

I getting Black specs..

My favourite colour!:D


Then, hmm, my mum also getting..
Oh yesh, on monday i will be getting!:D

If youre reading this.
Im so sorry that i misunderstood yaas!:D


See you later:D

8:50 PM
Yours truly. elyana

i duno, im lost..

im thinking ..
Whether, imma jerk...
Nah , i cant say..

well its goes like this..

I was just saying  something that cant be exposed to peepos out there.
what am i ssaying???

I bet you dont understand..
I really need fresh air..

I began to have lung pain or something.
it really unables me to breathe properly..
it hurts when i breathe
i havent seen a doc.
So im not confirm if im dying or not..
C'mon..Its not something i can joke about..

Yeah, right.!
Maybe im hallucinating the pain..
Yeah, thats it!
Im hallucinating..
I do have a disease..!:D

Not funny ..
at all!

But i really wanna laugh..
dang.. Im must be really lost right now:D!

 imma crazy biatch for now..


Heyy, i really wanna see something before i die..

A 100 percent not something really scare the craps out of me!:D

Im a night owl..
I just realised that..
How am i to sleep if waiting for something.

Imma lost biatch now..

Update tomo , kkss?

Seeyaaas peepos ...
Or maybe darlas.

4:46 AM
Yours truly. elyana

yeah, i wonder why???

Whoa, today watch rented VCDs again..
I watch Saw2..

Then i watch..
The show is quite nice.
 The lead actor which is the jumper,
Is fck-ing hot!:D

let me forget about that show.

Oh gosh,
I cant see from far anymore...

I need glasses..
Mum promise me bbut ..
Nothing is happening!
Wow, im glad..
Good lluhh,
your daughter cant see anymore..

Might as well i go blind-.-'''

Well done woman...


taa-s peepos..
Im waiting for next day!
Get free food..

Pssst: i wanna see you.

2:11 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, December 18, 2009
dont, please, dont.

im sad!
for no reason..
i duno my heart suddenly feel so hurt..

SO pain..
i duno whats wrong..
Then again, im waiting for something but i duno what isit!

Oh, danggss,
Spare me the pain,will yaa?

4:57 AM
Yours truly. elyana

my sweetest addiction... is YOU!

Hmm, womans out there..
It's time to enjoy...

Im soo eating the COWHEAD's Choca-late!
Nice! uhh!

its nice.

here are the pict-os..

its not fully chocolate..

Ita like mix with hazelnut creaam..

here isit!

nice.. huh?

still got the feeling in my mouth.

Speaking of food..

I feel like eating spicy food!

Like homemade Macaroni Goreng!

and i wanna eat..
Mee Kuah!!!
I got this spicy tastebuds-tos!:D

Thats why i love to spicy food!
Isnt obvious?!

I know im being Retards!:D

Hahs ..
 End here! see ya
Chaos , darlas:D


1:24 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, December 17, 2009

adam, kak boyfriend..
really sucks in the game..

take a look!

Ill update in the afternoon

See you!

pstt: i win!!!

4:24 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Not again..

As you can see that i change my blogg skin..
Wow , not even 3 hours , i have change my blogskin...
Haizzz,  im tired of changing the codes...
So much to change..

Dangg im so hungry..
Very hungry.

After this , i want to eat bread with chocolate&vanila thingy!
i duno what isit called.
But anyway its nice!
uhh, i remember..
its something like Nutella..
But its different abit..

Yumm, yumm..
My mouth is watering already..

ouh yesh..
I wonder hows Sabrina..
And Omairah..

Everyone seems to be disappearing..
Ohh... goshy hoshy....

Hmm, im so tired..
I think i want to stop here..

You know something ..
I dont even know what am i doing now..
So tired..

Hmm, buhbye darlas..
I want to eat already...

taa-s&Chaos , peepos:D

12:49 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

as you can see ... I just change my blog skin!
Hahs. Not all of it are original.
I edit them a lot.
Pfft... Since , 6:00pm...

Anws. I will blogg more later...
See ya peepos:D

I wanna eat!
Hmm, very hungry!

Byee darlas!

7:38 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, December 14, 2009
hair cut myself!

i cut my hair lols!
Only the fringe part i cut..
I cut my fringe into

Wow right?
Super wow!:D

Here are the pictures :
Enjoy kks?


Pretty ehy?

I mean my hair..

Hmm.. sorry for not being so active

Right now , im currently watching Fringe!:D

11:26 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Oh, please..

From now on i want to change my name into.. Elyana Butterfly!
it's nice.. okk..
I dun wanna to use my real name.. It sucks..

But i apprieaciate my name.
It's still nice.
But, i want to go for a change.

Hmm, i cant sleep.

Im too angry to sleep..
Dunno why..

Hmm, btw, i wonder hows is Sabrina[subway,sprinkle,]
Sorry for the name..
Hahs.. just dun want to have complications..

Yeah , i wonder where is she...

Omairah, IMY you again.
Hope we can meet again! 
like that time..

Ohh danngs .. its 5 am..

Need to close the lappy..
scared granny scold..
Buhbye , darlas

Ta-taas, Chaos. Muah!

Erhems,Pstt: U sucha an ass , gal!~

5:02 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Bitch, this is dedicated to you, ASS.

hey bitch!
wht the hell is wrong with you?
first thing, im not stupid!
second, well, im not, im not f*cker
i dun fc*k guys.
third thing, Im not a f*cking loner,
i have friends out there supporting me.
forth thing, well , like i said, im not stupid the same goes as idiot.
fifth thingy, im not EMO?
Yeah , are you blind gal?
Tsk, sixth thing, i do have an ass.
seventh thing,im not a bitch.
Im not a dog.
well, i dun care if you call me a bitch.
Cause , evry single girl is a bitch.
well, what dun tell me you speacial, huh,slut?

are you jealous that im a bitch or wht?

CB to you , woman..
i mean gal..

9:47 PM
Yours truly. elyana


wasssup darlas!
u peepos must take a look at my OnSugar blog!
It's perfecto-s.
with the background like that ...
Fuyoohh,lawa babe!
I got originality.
Unlike some peepos out there...
LOL mann..

Just joking mann..


Hmm, I miss my Sabrina darla!
I duno whether shes home or what..
I miss her mann!

Not forgetting, I also miss Omairah!!!!
Sorry , darla, you cant msg me:(
MY SIM card cant be use..
I think its only temporarily.
So, hold on gal!:D

Erhems: jgn nk act innocent dok!

7:38 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, December 12, 2009
SNAPSHOTS on decembe 10

so sweet couple!

9:58 PM
Yours truly. elyana

bunch misses for you..

i have nothing better to do so, this bunch of misses is actually for no one..
made up myself-.-'''
so to the org yg terasa. Im not refering to anyone okks.

i miss you.
i miss calling you in the middle of the night.
I miss talking to you.
I miss our fights.

I miss taking pictures
i miss your tummy.
I miss your lectures.
i miss being like your mummy.

i miss your craziness
i miss your stupidity.
I also miss your smartess
and i miss you being the smarty.

I miss your coughing
i miss your jealousy.
i miss ur sneezing.
 i miss talking about our fantasy.

i miss your tickles.
I miss tickling you.
I miss taking all your nickles.
I miss seeing you.

i miss your hand.
i miss your face.
i miss you being the strong man.
I miss you looking at how you tie your shoelace

I miss you being lethargic
i miss you being sleepy.
i miss your droopy eyes
i miss you taking nappy !

i miss your laughter.
i miss u being funny.
i miss when we are together
i miss you being the cute bunny.

i miss you taking care of me
i miss you being there for me
i miss missing you.
i miss loving you.

thank you.

and im not refering to anyone.
thank you

9:37 PM
Yours truly. elyana

what the heck siaa!

CB siaa.!
I thought my sis was wrrong that she kept calling the stupp peepos poser..
Oh yesh, shes was right! They are fucking poser and all. Siala ruin my day sak!
Right now i made a decision , not to forget to write at my ONSUGAR BLOG!

Oh i got my phone back.. So happy..
its the W595..
i got my phone back , but my SIM caard still couldnt work.
Weird .
Ok darlas, Im lazy to upload the picctures..
so.. ya.
Some other day..

I miss Sabrina, wonder if she gone there yet.We lost contact
I miss Omairah! We did not contact that much.
All because of my STUPID SIM CARD!
Anws, I wanna charge my LAPPY
but anws, Do tagg me aites?

Chaos, darlas.

7:11 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, December 11, 2009
First time in life..

yesterday, i went home late.. Around 3am...
I went karoke-ing at 11pm till 2amplus.. Wow.. Then.. theres a war just now.. Falling apart... Not everyone.. Take a lot of pic.. But will upload it tomorrow.. Gtg...

10:57 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, December 10, 2009

im gonna talk about yesterday, Yesterday, is my mum birthday! Then she brought her presents home.. There was Mark&Spencer chocolates.. Mmme gave me her drink then.... Then suddenly the drink spiled all over my bed.. It was like so suayy... Yepp ,Yepp.. So suay.. Very suay. Hmm, Then yesterday i did my blog.. Nice right? its about believing in myself.. Cool Then all my confession were on that page.. 

Today, im going .. To fly.. hahs just joking.. Hahs.. not exactly fly.. Im going.. Plaza Singapura.. Wearing white short dress.. Hahs.. Im gonna be .. Nevermind.. hahs.. Hmm,  Oh yesh.. Today i bought books.. School books.. hmm, a lot of books to buy.. Seriously..  Yepp. Im gonna start a new life.. Study well.. And all.. And yesh.. See ya.. Im gonna  shower.. AGAIN.. Trying to be a neat and clean FREAKOS..Hahs.. Oh well TIme to end the confessions here.. 

Chaos peepos , darlas and all my Sygs that i think who fly to swiss!! Muah.. 


4:02 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hmm, Im like falling in love with this song janji-janjimu by.. I duno who... Hahs.. Im so falling in love with someone.. hahs!:D Cant tell you peepos..  Can anyone spare me capo? I really in the need of capo to play this particular song.. that janji-janjimu song ..Yeah, Its actualy a piano version but.. I want to make it into acoustic version. Yepp..

Ohh, Darlas .. I need to go.. Been on the lappy for so long.. yeah.. Sorry peepos. Hmm, Oh yesh.. Oh , darlas and peeps .. Pls , TAGGED ME if you can spare me the capo , AITES? Love u peeps and darlas.. Muah

Chaos , darlas and peepos..:D

10:28 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i love mentalist, a drama in Channel 5.. Simon Baker in Mentalist as Patrick Jane.. is sooo HOT!:D 

 Simon Baker

I love Fringe , Another drama in Channel 5.. Joshua Jackson's Smile is so cute.. !

Joshua Jackson

But the most i like is.. Leegend of the Seeker
I like the show.. is like so nice to watch.In the show he acted as Richard Cypher .. So hot.. So Cute and.. No others to describe HIM.... Haiz..

Craig Horner

Isnt he that hot ? Yesh of course!

Yeah , Enough of random talking.. im tired of talking lol.. Hahs. Oh ya.. I almost forget.. Sezairi and Sylvia are in the grand Finals! yeah! Ohh, how much i like Sezairi .. Yesh! I love him mann.. hope he win the the grand Finals.. Yeah!:D

Choas peepos.. Wanna sleep already.. So sleepy.. Been on the lappy so long... Dang , Im yawning again.. Hahs.. See ya around.. Please tagg kks peepos? 

11:54 PM
Yours truly. elyana

ohhh goddie..

ahhhhhh... finally, im able to sleep for at least 2hour .. Yes.. 11pm to 1am plus plus..  After , i watch Fringe, suddenly, im drifted away.. Noise from the tv were drowned.. Finally, i could close my eyes in peace.. Yes.. ahhhhhhh.. But, suddenly.. i heard shouting and all... then this luhh, that luhh.. Walaoooo, Cant sleep ready.. Haiz, She fighting again.. So stress. Then she let me use the Lappy .. Hahs, I was about to sleep she ask me..  I wonder whats wrong with her.. She could see from the look on my eyes . Yesh.. I got panda eyes! Need to do something about it .. The keyword is SLEEP. Yesh, i cant sleep.. I got a lot of troubles... inside my head ..whoa, my eyes srre heavy.. Im tired to carry on.. but i want to use the Lappy because tomorrow , my sis will like conquer the Lappy.. How sad..  Yesh..


Then again the random talking is back on business.. Hahs, Hmm, Im such a "screwer" .. I screw up conversation easily .. Ohh darlss..  Then i ask a lot stupid questions.. Yesh, During my conversation with ehems.. I talk to another person.. Wow.. I was called.. Nah, it was something.. Cant say.. Hahs.. I seriously want to laugh my heads off.. Hmm, Actually, It's a good thing that person said about me... wow.. That is really nice thing to hear.. for the first time.. Yesh, finally.. During the both conversations, I watch rented DVDs.. Hmm, i watch the Epic Movie.. Hahs, there is alot of sick stuff and dang, Its a nice show to watch.. hahs.. Yesh.. Too much of random talking .. I think should end the random talking here.. Haiyoo , so lazy to continue.. Really..

Well oh well.. im not too sure whaat to do next after i post my post here.. Seriously i got nothing to do on this lappy.. So peeps, I wanna fly to winterland.. watch the snow fall to my skin..  Stare at the Rudolph the reindeer.. then just fall into deep sleep..

Chaos peepos.. Love and tag me aites?

2:43 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, December 7, 2009

"Phone flyyy, SIM card died during the fall.. Wait for another 1month to get phone... WTH.. So sad.."

9:56 PM
Yours truly. elyana

oh noo..

oh , i screw up the conversation.... !!!:D
Need to go.. KKKS..

7:20 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, December 6, 2009
the phone flies~~~

My replacement phone for 1month SUCKS.. Seriously.. The buttons are not working ... Lols..
Why am i so suay.. Yesh, That phone fly 1 metre .. Hahs , kidding.. But.. Seriously, It was thrown.. Stupid W910i! Arghh!!! Yeah right..Hahs.. I have to wait for 1month before my other phone came back to life:D
I wish it does.. Lols..

Uh.. im so bored.. i have nothing better to do at all. seriously.. my phone not working.. And all.. what the heck..D:

Yeah , I think i should not write any longer .. Because , Im tired.. and lazy..

7:34 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, December 5, 2009
shats.. im bored..

Oh , dangs.. New chat-mate but old friend isn't online.. So, yeah.. Im bored.. Haiyooo.. Can't sleep, lols..Then again INSOMNIA .. One word can describe me now.. RANDOM. i took few random pics.. Then i went to edit at PICNJK.COM ...
Hahs:D Lazy to upload it.. Sorry.. And peeps, please tagg me!! I feel like im talking to myself.. Seriously. Lols.And link me!! I will relink u back.. Promise..

Hahs, I kept thinking of someone.. This someone doesnt know me at all.. We are only close through facebook.. How ridiculous , Hehs:D I seriously like him like hell.. No one can stop me. But if a friend love him or friend is chosen by him.. I quit liking him and i wont say a word. Trust me..
He's unknown. Secret, Secret.. Lols.:D

Dangs, seriously bored.. Hmm, I wonder what to do on the LAPPY! I duno what to do..Hmm, go to facebook only. Then , i go on blogg.

Oh , peeps.. tagged me, aites? Link me , aites? I promise to all of of u.. I will tagg & link u back , Aites?

Aites, I wanna try to sleep.. Better get to bed before sis does.. Okk , Darlas and peeps.. Wanna sleep , yawls..

Jyeah.. Yawns~~

Chaos , darlas and peeps :D

Muah to u .. unknown guy! :D

2:34 AM
Yours truly. elyana