love locked down
my love has been standing strong
Sunday, January 31, 2010
sheehs , hes the onnly one to talk to...

Well talking to my new friend right now(: Hes sweet and esp CUTE!(: yaaa, i know.. IMma SHOW-OFF , I love showing off tht i got NEW friend.. Cheyy no laa.. For wht i want to show off.. Like so stuppid(: Nehneh, he have to sleep already if not he talk to me and he said he will wait for me(: sweet siaaa , once again IM not showing off.. okks? im not.. Hes funn to talk to .. Eventhough we are like introducing ourself(: Wheeeee(:
well my hair suck and a bit long.. I want it even more longer.. then I thin it.. (: or maybe rebond my hair? Idk... I just want it long very very long .. and i want to cut my fringe into bangsss(: nicer.. (: wheee, mann...... I love i love my new friend .. someday i want to see himm , in reall life.. (: Yea(: wheeee, must wait long long ... (: wheeeeeee(: then i can see himm(: Tomorrow he got match(: sheehs(: Weell friend friend Bye(: bye(:

12:58 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, January 30, 2010
just bored manns, nuthing to do other than staring at this.

`Yea, it makes sense you know. Nuthing to do other than staring at the Lappy.. Haish.. Sad siaa): i wanted to talk to Jon , but lazy laa, then i also wanted to talk to my new friend but nahh, hes not online(:, sad siaa): very siaans): sheehs.. haish(: im bored siaa... Sheehs(: very very very siaans(: like duhh got nuthing to do(: i want to do homework but i dunot have ... INSPIRATION. sad siaaaa(: ... I must be very hyper to do my homework.. but im not hypaa now, im just so tired. and bored.. Soso hypaa, but not that hypaa(: well wht to do, IM supaaa bored. well imma update till here, later then update sommore...

4:06 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, January 29, 2010
I cant believe that "he" just talk to me?

After sooo long another he talk to me? well of course that weird.. but not that weird enough if you laugh from before Mr chacko class till the start of NPCC? Have you done that before? well.. Weird i know(: (: (: Class was a rock mannsxsx(:!!!! Well , is not that weird(: but try to understand laa(: hehe(: then before NPCC, i in 2A class?O.O wow.. Yaa laa , i talk to Jonathan Loh(: wheee(: lend Brandon my stapler(: Jonathan is a gay(: cheyy kidding , but anyways damn cute(: AND funnny (: I miss my Stapler.. I ask Jon to keep for me): stupid me(: sheehs(:but before that i went to NP room, i complain to Sir Rayaan that i cant walk properly , and i scared that i dislocated my leg(: but it didnt(: just lying , thought i could stay with Jon and talk to him lols(: wheeee(: But at last i didnt stay with jon, i went to NP.. -.- I learn drills(: cool siaa(: wheeee(: happy gilerhs siols(: cheyy, blabla(: lazy to continue, basically i had FUNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: Mweeehees(:!

9:55 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Im hyper even though kena ounishments(:

Yawl peepos(: im back for another everyday life post(: Laame i know.. (: I went for Camp Craft today.. Everyone is siaow today , i mean FUNNY siaa.. Especially when Sir Rayaan make jokes(: (: (: funny.. My first time built a cool shelter... (: I canot explained laa my feelings , so happy and very hypaaaaa(:we runn alot today push upss bby(: Hehe(: funny(: Waahhh ,  i still can laugh(: ohh yaa, my darling Siti and Jonathan Loh is in the Hildan Supaaastaaa(: yeahhhh!!!!(:hope they in the finals(: lovelove them soooo much(: Heyh... I fall in love with the PERVERT guyy... idk why.. Nanthiyni know about it ... (: yeaaa.. And some other Fellas :D Yaaa, tht pervert not that close to me laa.... ): sad siaaa): Aiyoo tomo... Meeting All the NP bbyss. at canteen then meet Nanthiyni at her class^^ yeasss!!!!!!!!!(: okks laa wanna go out for awhile(: lols(: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(:

8:25 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
really, hope.. you never ask me to confide in you...

i cant believe i said tht ^ serious... idk why.. Yea, youre not that close to me.. and you have someone in your mind.. WHY do i have to confide in you ? huh? I mean i will but its just that i really cant do it you know, i mean confiding in you.. Its just sad enough...i mean... nehmind... i had fun yesterday.. Camp craft.. It was fun... Yea.. I .. like the hall , boring but talk  to KT dear.. was total funn... yeah, i .. i .. then go home with KT^^ and walk home with *****  ..say buhbye to KT ... talk to ***** for like 25 miins.. Went home abt 9:30? when im suppose to go home at 8:50 ... okks thts more than ... 20 miins...yeah thts late.. Standing and fidgeting while talking for more than 20 miins, is not cool, AT ALL...  try to do that..seriously not cool.. Then when home.. THe person fly upp.. yeah, okks laa..
i lazy to continue, taa-s lovelove:D

11:00 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, January 25, 2010
sheehs , im hyper but deep inside, sad):

Yea , look at tht ... Wont elaborate more(: Today i kept following Hosea around cos, i , want him , to , pass, his sickness to me.. Hes having bad cough and i pity him.. ): He dun want me to get his sickness.. Cos he want the sickness for himself(: lols, i cant believe it(: he accidentally cough at me(: good(: then at last he never stay for guitar): sad siiaaaa... I also like begg him to stay for guitar.. But hes too sick... Then let go laa(: walao Nver pass me the sickness(: then... During guitar club, i was like being retarded(: ask everyone wheather they are sick or wht... sheehs(: No one is sick except for Sammy and Hosea which is absent from Guitar Club(: awww, sad siaaa(: I made new Friend(: Ooh Ming(: she so cute(: friendly sommore(: Yeah(: lovelove her(: wheeeeeeeee, Currently Watching Inglorious Basterd (: lols later watching Paranormal Activity(: lols(: wheeeeeeeeeeeee(: Bye(: loveloves(:

9:35 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, January 24, 2010
We pair of sisters are , RETARDED...

hey yawllsss,
Yesh, of cos ... This title got alot alot of meaning.. Well its true... We went Jurong East to eat.. We get on board to my Grandpaaaaaaa taxi(: new one.. nice.. Then smell of Rubber.. Ewllll, Cheyy joking.. Yaaa, but the smell is like lizard kind of smell , ewlllll.... stuptards(: But before tht , we went pick up mum.. OMFG.. Sooo 'itating... Like takes up alot of space... WTH.. heheh jkjk... Then we go there like ... Abt 15 miins later? yaa, then we went there.. We saw a lot of matmats , Ewllll... SO ugly.. XD Me and sista eat western.. Mum eat like mee WONTON.. my favorite.. Grandmaaaaa and Grandpaaaaaa share food , idk why.. SO sweeeeeeeeeeet and cute old couple. i really respect them for having a long marriage... Make me jealous(: i really wanna to have that kind of relationship or marriage.. cos confirm sweeeeeeeeeet one(: Heheh, back to bloggie abt yesterday.. sheehs, i saw one Suria star became the cashier for the drinks stall like OMFG... hehe jkjk.. BUt she sooooo pretty in real life... (: (: (: yaaa, then like people also stare at me.. .Wth , i nver do anything ... Sheehs(: we also took alot of pictures... (: wheeeeeeee.... Enjoy peepos(:

hack care abt the... Center parting hair.. i didnt realise...
we are cute couple ...

i know im ugly with another headed sista(:

my new boifrend XD XD XD XD
must laugh; i didnt know my sis look like guy esyhs(:

see our grandpaaaa taxi... (:
posing good enough(:

we got retarded hands.. In the taxi..
Keep shaking(:

in the taxi , nuthing betta to do.. (:
kiss the window screen(:

okks thts all for now.. im tired to upload the crazy stupidd pictoss(: yaa, like who cares right? Jyeah(: wheeeeeeeee(: i think im so sleepy(: im WAITING FOR SABBY to online.. so the lembabs(: cheyyy kiddding(: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. bye(:

1:51 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, January 23, 2010
renovation done.(:

My blog renovations are done.. neatly, quite plain.. nicer... Than last time one... Font bigger.. And better(:  Cos i cant see properly, esp, im not using my specs which is sucha disaster.. Cos im lazy to reach my hand into my bag.. and get my specs. -.- lols. (: i getting tired and tired when im bored... serious, ttooo tired.. lols(: back to my blog... You have any idea why , i put "she believe you"? s(he) be(lie)ve(d) you.... Now you geddit? someone teach me this.. How cool...(: weirdernesss, currently talking to ROYSTON FOO guy(: weird.. WE are soooooooo random , retarded and like.. WEIRD? yesh we are(: okks laaaa, buhbye(;

6:55 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Bbys, damn tired(:

Yesterday damn fun... Learn all kinds of step ... I mean the commands(: cool mannss.. i saw someone with someone.. Walao tht fcker liar siaaa.. i dun mean anyone  that i talk to yesterday.. WTH he think he wht? fcker.. lols(: haish i went home abt , 7:30pm? lols i know.. damn tired.. I will be going for the craft thigy, mum said very funn all this things.. Really? she said is vvery good.. -.- okks... i get it... haish, if only she continue her CCA and become the kind of like them.. Isnt that cool.. Only stop at Staff SGT.. haish.. Why cant u continue? heheh.. Why am i nagging? Today eating out): haish i very lazyyyyy... okks laa enough .. i want to do my blogg skins(: wheeee, buhbye(: (:

1:25 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, January 21, 2010
i look at you; youre different manns.. muscle(:

wahhhhh, this title no meaning sehhy.. Like so stupid(:  idk who am i talking abt.. sry i very slow.. was busy, then suddenly.. I cant remember who was i writting about. dumdum booo booo me(: wheee(: Track pants anyone? i needa track pants (: i got new CCA .. Guess uh If youre smart(: but im stiilllll in guitar.. Imma senior and i dun wanna leave.. I will be respected(: yea!!!!! wheeee(: I cut my fweaking bangs(: wheee, so cutee uhh(: no pict sry.. Phone in the hospital , operated on...... ): *tears*  haish.. Sch quite torturing, nahh wont say.. Not becos of the tests.. Its like i hate being sch with bunch of idiots ... like ME... i just hate idiot and thats ME... -__- imweird i know.. *wheeeeee* wht uhh,,, i forget wht to say.. Okks byessssssssssssss(:

4:30 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
ehy, why like tht one...

ignore the title... ^^ lame siaa(: well today, nuthing.. I okks with wht Mr Lee is talking abt .... and.. Wht telah happen manns?): everything like tht haish... ): sad siaaa.. Okks, my nose hurt since last week.. -_-.. Talk to samm like very stressful ... haish.. I wishh i can grabbed her and just put in front of ur face.. haish.. Dun be sad kks? You must be happy(: Sabb, in classs, dun be like.. """""" sad!!!!!! i dun wanna my friend to be sad): i talk like im the crazzzy ine i think... Then the rest.. I hope you are okks with ur friends...  haish...):

6:34 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, January 18, 2010
booooo BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!1

i know im crazy .. well, i wanna to buy 2 love story books!!!(:friend recommend(: sheehs(: but i duno who to go with ): ): ): so sad... Dhoby Ghaut(: Follow me go !!!!!!(: hehe(: Well today we teach, i mean 'we' as in the Guitar Club(: teach the sec 1 guitar members(: there were toooooooooo many members tht we have to kick out some): i love one of them!!!!! Ohh Ming!(: shes so cute u know !!!!!! i wanna shrink(: why? idk, i just got the feeling(:! Wheeee(: i love shrinking(: hehe(: i Wooohhoooo(: Go Dhoby Ghaut with me? Eyeerrr, i so the manjer!(: Lolslols, haish daaa biase(: (: (: lolololo.. daa nk tidoXD!!!!

11:25 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Booo BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know im crazy .. well, i wanna to buy 2 love story books!!!(:friend recommend(: sheehs(: but i duno who to go with ): ): ): so sad... Dhoby Ghaut(: Follow me go !!!!!!(: hehe(: Well today we teach, i mean 'we' as in the Guitar Club(: teach the sec 1 guitar members(: there were toooooooooo many members tht we have to kick out some): i love one of them!!!!! Ohh Ming!(: shes so cute u know !!!!!! i wanna shrink(: why? idk, i just got the feeling(:! Wheeee(: i love shrinking(: hehe(: i Wooohhoooo(: Go Dhoby Ghaut with me? Eyeerrr, i so the manjer!(: Lolslols, haish daaa biase(: (: (: lolololo.. daa nk tidoXD!!!!

11:23 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, January 17, 2010
moment of the funniest(:

i know there isnt such tht as tht kind of title(: ^^ so weird i know(: well ... Here i some snapshots of.... Jonathan's drawing again.. I didnt wanna to put but any ways hes my good friend i have to treat him like one.. As in share our funniest moment(: (: (::

when im ironing my clothes, he draws this(:

tht time i wanna eat(: he draw this rotipratachickenrice(:
how cute(:

when im ironing my clothes(:
my name is elyana(:

poor imatation(:
but as for me ...
IT cute, well done(:

another cute and poor imitation...
but supaaa cute(:

alright darlas .. this is from various kind of dates(: i know iim not organissed(: but no time(: cos i wanna sleep, you know.. So dont complain tht im not neat, this laaa ,tht laa , yatttaaa yattta . Whtever laa okks(: i only wwant to show our moments(: since i have been very emooo, time to be happy with this pict(: I am becos of this picts(:
so taa-s(: i wanna tido / sleep(:

11:31 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, January 16, 2010
i need a kiss to seal my whines.

i know you dun get wht am i talking about .. you wont understand ...hehe... I wanna a kiss(: chey(: kidding only...  Haish.. Alone at home soo bored): always .. alone one.. Never have another person at home haish): oh look .. im whining again!(: hehe(: must make me shuttup): Haish(:
okk laa, bye(:
P/S, I have already updated my Onsugar Blog... (: SO tagg yaa!(:

9:28 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, January 15, 2010
Why do u have to be so negative? Im here to support u .. And u couldnt care less.

i wont elaborate.. The person will know . I just dun get it. You make people smile but you? you cant smile... Youre sad... You simply dun understand how much it hurt me to look at you this way. The way your'e hurting. its just isnt fair to you.If your'e hurting and sad, i should also be sad , since your 'e my pillar of happiness. I should stand by u too right? But u choose to keep it to urself. Well , im hopeless to u anyway.


11:55 PM
Yours truly. elyana

iim tired from all the funn i had. i got to touch ur sweat(: unfortunately, i lost my voice(:

I know im pervert(: cheyy no laa(: but quite disgusting when i said tht i know(: very funny laa(: today, i shout, shout, till my voice gone with the wind(: very funny uh me(: i know .. Today, my smiles is like everywhere(: I help to do tie for hosea(: Charlotte and i are like his wifey(: cheyy no laa(: jkjk omly niaa(: hehe, then i manage to talk to u!(: yay(: no explainig or elaborating(: So if people, call me , which is not possible due to spoilt phone, i will really keep quiet. though.. im trying to be retarded person talking on the phoneXD!(: Hehe, wah i damn happy uh today.. Youre right mann!(: im happy throughout my whole life now!(: yay!(: cos of friends tht support me.. ILY u guys!(: I really love you!(:
taa-s (:


7:55 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, January 14, 2010
The feeling sux... to the core...

i wont elaborate as usual... Hehe(: plan is ruin.. I have to think of other kind of stuff... What the heck... ): sad sehyy.. haish(: sad sehy.. I sadsad still can smile very widely(: hahs(: :D.. I think smiling is funn!(: I find it like a daily routine(: very funn!(:(:(: haha(: im bored.. I currntly talking to my friend(: Sexy-aye friend.. C'mon hes a guy.. hahs(: very cute laa(:
okks laa, bye slenges(: i know theres stalker(:
Bye, taa-s(: lovelove

9:53 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
haish, WTH, im bored without my llife fill with ur smiles everyday.. i guess you arent talking...

no elaborating like i always do.. Hah(: u might think tht my blogg is boring no new stories .. Well youre wrong, cause u stupid mah, duno whts going onn with my life.. some stupid people.. well most of my friends know... U know how much i feel like killing "a" group of people?? So much(: mostly everyone tht offend me.. u know who u are... That group of ass(: jkjk(:
daa luhh, dont wanna to elaborate anymore(: Haish(:

Wait, question for some of you...
sweater, Converse shoe, Everlast shoe or something else?
must answer this question ... Idk laa wht to say anymore

7:29 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
well, im sorry if i didnt say hiee.. Im just a shy person... im sick... very sick

i wont be elaborating... If u know who am i talking about just dun spread okks? hahs(: i really want to say sorry to u... AND im SICK!!!): hehs(: but im okks(: so dun have to isolate me...(: hahs(: okks byes(:


5:04 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, January 9, 2010
my life has turned upside down.. I hope you could be there for me that you could give me your smiles tht i love. pls, though ur just a friend

title, only. Elaborate .. No.. bye..

5:41 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, January 8, 2010
Finding the right one. Oh lookies.. He's there.. Hope he does too!

Lame title i know.. But.. Yea, shuttup .. wont elaborate.. I will make you suspense till the day comes, i will say . I promised.. Wait, the word "promise" doesnt exist in my dictionary.. Some fckr RUIN my dictionary emotionally not literally... Now, i hate the word PROMISE. C'mon , it doesnt exist to the person. Ass.. Yaa, you were suppose to keep it not to waste and hurt people.. Fckr. Stupptards-ass. Haish.. okks luhh .. I will make u suspense starting now.!XD lols..

8:59 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, January 7, 2010
I must say every non-important things to you every minute... i just want to and its a must...

That title it meant for the new good friend i have right now.. I cant say who.. I tell you that i cant elaborate anymore right? Yea, i wont be.. You know, we started out in a funny way.. So awkward way..  But now, i can confide in the friend now , freely.. All my single feelings i could spread in the person heart... But not all luhh, i think, yupp.. Especially those that is sensitive to the friend... and to me.. The feeling that the friend shouldnt know at all.. Yaa, i think i elaborate too much.. so much.. Yea, i guess i should stop here.. right now at this point of time, i evol ouy, dneirf.... in a different way... haish..
Well , see yaas , dearies..
This is just meant for you to read...

With love,

8:52 PM
Yours truly. elyana

the thingy for you, grew bigger and bigger each day...

again , I wont ELABORATE anymore..  it seems to be like my QUOTE for today.. Yea.. Today damn funny.. Mrs Khoh , Geog cher , the mood-swinger.. Yeah, she like a bit crazy but i laugh luhh.. Siala, untill my tummy pain... Hehs:D Oh yesh , close dearies, pls go to my other blog to see wht the hell is goin with me.. But I wont elaborate tooo much..
taa-s and byes!

with love,

3:43 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
When you say something, I reply.. But you didnt reply when i say something

the title .. thts all i will say here.. Wont elaborate anymore..people will know. i just need a space to write my feelings. soo yaas and taa-s..

5:24 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
i wonder again...

i wonder this is a dream.. I mean.. Whtever.. I cant explain here? i cant huh? i know.. People will know.. Especially unwanted people will know.. So thts why i cant tell.. If you wanna know.. just, SMS or MSN me.. I will appreciate your caring attitude.. Yeass, but tht doesnt mean i could say it... Personal.. nothing to do with friends, nothing to do with family, nothing to do with sch, nothing to do with studies... So pls.. Dun terasa especially the one im just ookks with...

with love,

3:54 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, January 4, 2010
first day..

Today's okks.. Everything is fine.. I almost couldnt recongnise KT-.-'''.. I also could wonder who is KT.. -.-... Stupptards-ass.. Im feeling weird today with my eyes like this.. So pain!!!! usually, My eyes will be blown slowly.. in my dreams... its getting redder redder.. !!!!! sucha disaster... im trying not to strain my eyes.. So today I wore specs.. i look confirm weird! at the hall especially.. Then all of the sudden my leg "hurts".. Stuppid right today? haish... thts all.. for now.. see yaas peepos. peep

8:20 PM
Yours truly. elyana

When its your first day in your new class...

First thing, BORING!
when youre bored, you feel like SLEEPING.
when youre  sleepy, it means tht you never sleep for the whole night...
When you never sleep for the whole night, your'e eyes turn red..
when youre eyes turn red, you will not be able to see clearly..
When your'e not be able to see clearly, you will feel giddy..
When youre giddy, you feel helpless..
When your'e helpless, You dont even know what your saying or thinking.
When you duno what your'e saying or thinking right now, means... You are in the same situation as me...

8:08 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Guess wht?

today, i went to Tampines mall... i went there with family, duhh.. of course.. Hehs then at the traffic light between the MRT station and the tampines mall, the blue guy brush past me then i was liked pissed off luhh... then, i turned and just saw that Azly... he was like running in front of the crowd... i was like???? He was with his mother i think... i was like so shocking!!!! then, i like was making a commotion.. Stuptards dear.. After changing SIM card but not my number. we walk around... Then , someone uhh, walked so friggin fast with the adik after saw me and my sis.. Stuptards-.-'''... Hehe:D then we walk out the Tamp mall.. then.. At the same traffic light, i saw azly again....-.-'''
What the heck? I saw a lot of people that i dun want to see.. Like the typical mats and the minahs-.-'''...bluueeekkkss... Benci urhhs. i see them every single part of the tampines mall, MRT station.. interchange....haiyurhss!!! So jijiks XD.. Dun like theirs facce..
Anws i dun mean the someone with the adikk.. No urhh.. jgn terasa..:D hehes:D
Hmm, today i quenched my thirst with Mac Donald's Vanilla Milkshake..!!!!!:D yurmss:D
Today, im going to force myself sleep early.. must luhh.. If not tomo damn tired.. After this im so going to Iron my clothes.. Wht a good girl.. My ass XD.... Hehes:D
Just now i talk to Sabby, Sprinkler.. then shes gone.. Then around 9:15 i talk to Sammy.. We talk like ???? no reaction...:( thts sad.. then tht Sammy urhh went to invite soomeone to the conversation.. he said its was someone "special" .... Yurh right..never even talk... Untill when are you going to avoid me? You dumbass urh.. Asss!!!!:(
Okks!:D byes:D muahhs!

9:59 PM
Yours truly. elyana

good morning peepos:D

 hey darlings, dont you realise something??? I got tracker online device.. on top.. of my blog..
Today i feel so thirsty.. I feel like drink honeydew juice, Mac Donald's milkshake ; vanilla, strawberry juice, homemade honey drink.. milk tea; homemade, milo and with milo powder on top.. yumms..homemade barley when its pipping hot.. milk!!!! chocolate mnilk!!! im so thirsty for goodness sake!!!!!!
heyy, dun you realise there were no gassy drinks? Cause i remember someone advice not to drink gassy drinks so mmuch.. hahs:D i did listen .. surprising.It will only ruin my stomach... yesh! ... But tht doesnt stop me from drinking gassy drinks.. uhuh! hehe
today i talk to royston foo.. Funny le he! we talk about nonsense about who dying and whatever .. more things but i froget.. Stuppid! hes like my good friend! hehes! of course...:D I also talk to my darliing sprinkler and Sammy.. I called sabrina, sabbby... Then sammy was like?????? hahs:D
Cute names huh? you bet it is!:D...
Sammy! if you are reading this , please for my sake, please be happy!!!!:(
Im sad cause youre sad and like stupid!
Okks, i will stop here! lappy's batt gonna low!:D
so see yaas!
ohhh, yesh, tagg! tagg peepos!:D

5:10 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, January 2, 2010
I know, iknow...

hello everyone, peepos, peeping tommy, scodengs, beautiful liar... And everyone out there... Today i know im so merepek, Peace...yeah.. Well yesterday which is new year.. Nenek bbq chickens:D ... It was supa nice.. Cool luhh, but i fat ready... So the tembab.. Okks, then after tht family karoke-ing again!!!! yeah:D i like.. I sang Suara Hati By Nike Ardila.. old song derhg.. Kikis:D After that malam ready.. I went out with sista:D Buy accessories for hair.. And Stationeries for scch..-.-''' My money all fly just like that.. 10$$$ luhh.. I save like mad then i waste my money.. Fcks:D  wht to do.. :(  Then... Around 12 plus plus.. I seriously got nuthing to do.. Sista using the stup comp.. So i went to... CLEAN:D nice huh??? Yeah every part of the room... XD
Actually cleaning is really fun..-.-"""
wikiks:D i think i want to stop here.. Very lazy to continue luuhh:D taa-s:D

3:37 AM
Yours truly. elyana