love locked down
my love has been standing strong
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
im standing at ease.

Well, peace upon to you. I've been very busy with my school work so much. i know i know EXCUSES. I feel so tired anyway so i gonna keep my post short. Well, today i went school, so obvious. And, after school The NPs sisters including me, met each other want to ask Nicholas Tan something. But, he said he cannot make it tomorrow. So yaa. Very upsetting, Then we as in the NPs sisters including me, slack at canteen before Siti go home and i go for Guitar , *eyes rolls* .. We were talking, so Nicholas tan and friends seat at a table beside ours. So yaa. Then, a girl from sec1 batch. Ps, She also in NP. Then she was like.. Seat a table near Nicholas Tan. So yaa, Then we realise that she was staring at Nich and like BAM. SO i went over to her, as im so curious. THATS ME :D. Xi Jia followed to.. Then , she said this to me and Xi Jia. "Now, I got a better view." :O And, she was facing Nich's table :O Wow. SO me and Xi Jia freaked out and told the others. So yaa. Then, she went away, we felt so relieved including .. Nich. Then.. She was standing at the 2nd floor staring at us , then we like so freaked out. Okks, then.. She's gone from that level.. Then at the staircase near the canteen she was standing there staring at us.. Then we left with no choice but to wave. So we wave. And like ... Awkward.. Then she was like everywhere.. :O Then from that onwards , we call her the stalker.. And i have my reasons to freak out too more than the others. Can't say. Ask aites? And pls tagg :D


2:26 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, March 27, 2010
my sweet Muar trip.

Hullo hullo.. I know its been sucha long time since i wrote on my blog. Sorry have been really busy with school work . Haish.. Hmm, on 23 march and 24 march . Two days One night trip. Well , I love it .. I kinda forget about what happen .. So yaaa. sorry huh! :D

First day:
The trip was long in the bus.. Haha, sit with Sabrina and behind Tasha and Audrey and beside Hosea and Jojo. So many things happen. Especially , after the Singapore Custom. Someone poke me and i scream a little .. And hit somewhere aelse shall not elaborate more. Btw, it is in the bus. Haha, then go to the highway ..  Haha.Blabla.. Jojo and Hosea got bullied by me. :B dumbdumb. Okks, then we went some agriculture places.. Like in the kampong obvious.. Then it rains.. Whee.. So cold.. We also collect soil samples. What the hell.. I have to do it since i am the soil scientist :) haha okks. Then , while in the bus i clean my shoes... cos its dirty :D then go again another round then .. Its dirty again. Then Jojo said " ure just wasting ure time cleaning your shoes , it will just get dirty again." xD he was right -.- Then yuhh..went to have lunch? yepp.. Then went to shopping then dinner then went to hotel, Rennaisance! wohooo! :D so happy siaa.. But then we have science experiment aka briefing also.. Then went back to our room, 1307 we as in Farah , Sabrina and Me !!! :D haha.. We can't sleep but surprisingly Farah can cos i drank coffee-.- .. Haha, i kept calling Hosea , i also cant believe that he recognise my super cute(prasan) voice :D :D  .. Haha.. Lols.. Then kept going his room  . Almost got caught by chers. Wait don't think sick uhh O.O Haha, he also went to my room :P Hahaha..

Second day which is also last day:
Woke up late.. At 0600.. aww.. Shower last.. Was shivering.. Blahblah .. Then went to have breakfast then go up bck and say byebye to the room. ): awww.. 1307... Haha.. Then we went to some historical plaaces .. yaya.. Then we gt lucnh! then then... i dk ..Okk. i remember when we going back to SG... Someone grab my hand.. Awww, who could it be? idk ? lols. :D:D then went home blah blah :D
me and sab :D

shock face :D

wah, Jojo in my shades , hot huh?!
what u doing?O.O

mine and farahs :D


3:39 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, March 21, 2010
snapshots taken from facebook .

my eyes aren't closing, its just too small to see.

i just love my back view.

just look down to the picture and u will see me.

our sexy legs.
Start from the top and turn clockwise:
Xi jia, Xi Ya, Elyana, Shujing, Zhan Wui(black shoe) , Lucius(beside Shujing and under Zhan wui),Nicholas tan.

up-closed .. Better one. :D

I love their smile and i love mine the most :D

i love my back view sooo much and look at the sky isn't nice? Don't look at Nich :D

I want to upload this, but patricia upload already :D i love my smile when i kena candid , i duno why.. Dun look at Nich :D

Up-closed and mmuch nicer :D

I love my side view also , i also like my smile when i kena candid :D 

The nicest group picture.. I duno why :D 

The end, if there somemore.. then i show uu okks? :D 


1:09 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, March 20, 2010
NPCC outing : Singapore Flyer

Heyyo readers . I'm back for another interesting post. Its an outing day. Woke up early do the usual drills . Rush off to MRT... Met Shujing , the boys , Xi jia and sis and Priscilla with sis :D Wohoo. Then we went up saw Nicholas.. Haish.. Then bla bla.. Go to City hall, T'hen went eat there .. Then we straight WALK to Flyer. Wow, so far and time flies when we are walking and having fun.. Haha, SO much fun .. Took lots of pics(later) then we like slack around for awhile and wait for Gwen and Joey .. Before that me Shujing , Xi jia , Xi Ya and Priscilla and Patricia went for search for sweets. We saw a shop sell ice-creams.. Me and Shujing thought of buying it but didn't cos its too ex!!!! lols, so we went inside the poppye restaurant beside its there is Robert's Coffee and i decided to buy something and it's Iced Mocha.. Oshhh , so nice :D Then when we put the sugar syrup, i put alot . Why ? Cos i love sugar :D its sweet and hypershious :D Huhu :D Then we went find sweets, Patricia , Xi Ya and Shujing went up... We were finding for 7-eleven . but can never find it -.- Huhu, at last found it :D wheeee.. Never buy sweets ): Haha lazy.. Then after Joey and Gwen come, we chiong to the admissions. :D  Yay, then we took picture. Sooo nice :D like theres 18 ppl or 19 ifrget. Then we chiong to the capsule :D Haha, up there cant feel the we going up.. Its like ... We were jumping around taking pictures.. crazyy ones. Lols, okks then i... used to scared of height but i dun think so i am now  ^^ Haha, lols.. Then , when we want to go back to City Hall. a part of us plus me ... Got stranded.. Cos, the rest went up to the shuttle bus go there. we want to go up then... we canot .. walao. Then we ran to the bus stop then catch the bus. Lala. THey decided to go kallang .. okks. then we go take train then we want to take the train so we squeeze but canot.. then when the train door almost closed.. Marcus Ma dash out. His bag almost kena trapped.. Then we all like "oh my god , marcus are u okk ?!" We were so worried..  Then the 2nd train come. The same.. Too much people. then we rush to the other one.. So we get down to the change the train again.. The door was big open.. SO we rush out.. I almost never get in .. Walao..  Huhu, but we went in laaa. Then i think we went down again. This time not so kanchiong.,. Haha. THen i felt so moody . i want to go home.. But Xi Ya and Pat dun want me go home. THey scared they kena left out .. so i stayed .. Then my mum called me... -.- say i must go home. Lols.. So i stayed when they went off.. Me and marcus left behind. They were like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! -.- scandal .. Walao .. Haha .. Then i in the train i was bored. Marcus kept quiet never talk to me  "-.-" big time .... Ignore me walao..  Then when we get off.. he walk so fast. so kanchiong. -.- then i queue for 291 bus it was raining heavily .. Then in the bus , i just realise was in same bus as me .. -.- never talk to me sehyyyy. ): lols..
then went home.. and guess which freaktard msg me? -.-

snapshots :X
i know we chio :D

they are more chio-er

very chio:D


can't see i know :D

aww, bros :D 

gays? i duno

i know , u kena rape, thats why u crying again :P

the four ladysssss:D

ah meng with Xi Jia

i with ah meng? since when hes alive? O.O

i want to pinch your cheek. soo cute :D :D 

the girls :D

this is the group photo :D 
we too before we get on the capsule :D 
bye :D


12:39 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Friday, March 19, 2010
your love is a remedy to my loneliness.

Hey there readers .. I just freaking hate him so much . He thinks he so big urghh. I told you , i don't want you anymore and i want you let go of me. Why is it so hard to let go of me? Tell me? And you said you want to talk things out. But , hello?! You didnt even open your freaking mouth speak to me. Lol? Thats your problem.. Theres nothing wrong with me.. But there is something wrong wit you. The something is that you are not appreciating me , your'e too rough , your dumb and thats a fact and you have NO GUTS. you think you have.. But , please .. You ask your friend to talk to me instead talking to me directly. What the hell ? You can't talk uhh? Walao , it is really wasting my time talking to you and your friend on the phone. You not taking thing seriously . Then what ? You maki me somemore , indirectly. what the fuck ?! Just let go of me. And guess whuat ? i am cruel . I rather act out in a relationship with my friend than having relationship with a fcktard which don't treat his girlfriend well . Whuatever. And guess whuat, i wont miss you.

Hmm, sorry for the bad language. Hehe, okks. Hmm, today will be going out on a Singapore Flyer with my NPCC friends. yeah :D wohoo happy :D yeah abit ... 

Its 19 march 2010 . Hmm, happy birthday to you. Yeah, i may be a nobody to you , but happy birthday .. i still remember y'know. hmm, nehmind laa. i just wish you .. Live longlong huh.. Be good :D bye ..

Labels: ,

3:37 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
NPCC annual camp snapshots.

snapshots tagg me kena tagg :D 
shujing and me!!! :D

oh gosh , im the only one (at the end of the pic) , not resting..
too hyper i guess :D

picky and naughty hands, cant wait to eat :D

from left to right:
Elyana, Shujing, Lucious, Ming Zhang, Gerald i think?
the group : Golf.

thank you for spending ur time looking at my snapshots
taken by:
Sir Zaki.


5:28 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, March 15, 2010
NPCC Annual Camp rocks and holds my peace.

Hullo , Hullo.. I'm back from my 3days 2nights NP Annual Camp.God, i never regretted joining this CCA . It's the best.  But i regretted not joining last year. Oh well, somebody so called "care" about me , like i too tired laa.. too much training laa. Haish. But, Im telling my story of my Camp now.

On Friday, i agreed to meet up with Saidah, Suddenly , a CI called me , saying i was late.. Then suddenly , i remembered that i was suppose to fall in early than the rest to go for swearing in.. Oh, gosh, then i left Saidah waiting for me all alone.. Sorry my dear.. I didnt mean to make you wait.. It's not on purpose. Anyway, i cut short huh... Then we went up to the bus.. Heading to East Spring Sec (: Well, There.. got lots of school from area 9. Then, We swear then we hear the AC talk.. My eyes were half close. Lols. Then we were ask to go down to the canteen to support our dear sec 4s. They are having competition.. Then , we challenge with Sir Rayyan; singing "where's the peanut?" .. My favourite song .. ^^ .. We were centre of attraction. Like the students from East Spring all look at us. I love it manns. (: Theres also NCC boys. :O all  so frigging hots.. Then one of them are like Cyclops. Huhu! Just too hot for me to tahan y'know :) Then boring stuff happens.. But , okey , i cut short , okay? Huhu! Hmm, let me seee.. I cannot sleep that time y'know .. too scary .. Serious.. And then My neck pain.. Use my uniform plus skirt , my t-shirt and my tracks as my instant pillow .. Freaking nice.. Then fall asleep..

On Saturday, woke up early.. Tsk tsk tsk.. 5:30 AM. Lols, we got NE (north-east) run. At, Pasir Ris park.. So quickly change into the red sleeveless dry-fit clothes with shorts. Tell u something.. Wait.. Nehmind.. :D huhu.. Then went down , kena rushed by Sir Wei Liang (not to sure how to spell) , Oh btw, i run down ... bare-footed. I've not yet wore my socks with my shoes. That sucks. I run to the squat , then fall in. Without my socks and shoes. Then i sit down rushing wearing my socks and shoe.. Very sian .. Haish. Over there, Hmmm, I run.. Chiong abit with my darling CL, Shujing(i think got no spacing). Then, i duno laa.. Oh yaa. Me , Shujing and Lucious(my other CL) queue up fpr nuts blabla.. Then the whole squat took picture. Very crazy :D ...

Then when we return to school, we are to buy stuff from outside for our ICook. We go out.. lalalal.. Then we come back to school . Then , then, we had... DRC (Dirty Relay Circuit). My group, Golf, start slow but we end frist! :D i love it when we suppose to put the water on our head.. At least i get to shower at last! :D Wohoooo! Blabla, Then we started to cook .. Ours was abit suck .. Esp, The Cinchao(idk how to spell) with Soya Bean Milk , taste like, very bland. Its suppose to taste sweet.. Maybe no ice thats why :D group Hotel(81) wins the game! ): sad.. Very sad..  Then.. We took group photo again. *wink**wink* Lols, if without my CL, Shujing, I will be the only girl.. ): Yepp, kinda suffered. Aww... Then, we all(sec one's) ... U must be wondering, im from sec 2 but im in the sec 1 squat.. I just join my dears.

Ok continuing , Then , we all(sec one's), shower.. Nice sehyy.. Then , i kinda suffered wearing a dress with black class tee inside.. U must be ewlll-ing.. Lols.. I ask Nicholas Tan(Father Eclipse) , he said i look okks .. Not bad.. Yaarh yaarh... Oh yesh , i remembered .. Ming Zhang the flickr love snapping his fingers in front of my face.. That shocks me everytime y'know. So cute :D okks, back to the story..

Then.. we were in the Creativity Room with the seniors.. as in the old batches .. Saw Zack and Haikal.. Lols. Never say hi uhh.. Haiyo , then.. we got barbecue. Then... whuatever.. After that must clean up.. Then Nicholas was scooping drinks out from the dispenser-.0.. Then, i ask some from him.. He was still holding the stupiid bowl, i drink.. I must say, we are like father and daughter .. Huhu.. Or if you want think another way , can.. No problem .. Than go back in, do performance. then, the dance.. We suppose to pair up.. cant find partner according to my tagg... Zack say he partner me since he know me.. -.- Then sajiah was like.. GO find another partner .. I say Phew.. Thank you! Then , i at last partner with Tarmizi.. Lols.. At last we ended up watching the seniors dance ... Very nice horh! Then, yurhh yurhh , sleep late not like the usual. Cause we got Movie Marathon or Treat. :D

Today, Woke up 7:30.. Actually we are suppose to wake up at 8:00.. Early.. Blahblah.. clean the class. Then , go creativity room . then .. Got free ticket .. TO Singapore flyer only those who went for Chingay ^^ lucky.. We will also might be receiving 6dollars :D lots of jokes like "hold your peace" . Then took group photo again.. Then, I bully Father Eclipse .. Hehe, Keep poking him.. On the other side.. Ming Zhang keep flicking his fingers at my face.. -.-'''.. Lols, Then after this went Mac with Siti Qamarina and Saidah!!! eat and talk.. ANd i just find out somthing from Dina 1B ...Haish... sad

okks laaaa, bye..:D i hope i entertain uuu:D

7:17 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, March 11, 2010
im soo busyyy

im freaking this few days .. sorry for not writting for soo long.. Basically , today nothing happen .. life is boringgg... :D got test, but yeah most of the time i stared at the relieve teacher ^^ sabrina know why :D lols, i think i want to pack my stuff for Friday , must uhh.. if not .. no time siols.. -.- ..  Lols, Im shorter than hosea!!!bye:D

11:08 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
09 march 2010, i love you very very much:D

I just love today.. You know why? Today is the best , had fun alot alot :D .. Well , the story damn damn long.. but i will try to keep it short :D 

I woke up very early at 5:30 am , wow. Then do the usual drills! Then , met Audrey and Natasha :D , we are almost late to go to Bedok Reservoir for our Cross Country :D Wohoo! You know something we dont have to trouble ourselves to look for our classes.. Cause its freaking obvious ^^ Our class tee! :D Yeah! I think i love it already :D Its nice ^^ You know something ? I thought im not going to runnn.. But, running changes my mind :D ...When i started to run, I couldn't bear myself to stop .. Cause its sucha waste .. Then , i keep continuing running .. i think i love running already ^^ Huhu, stamina training manns( : I chiong all the way.. Except for some part like after drinking water.. Slack already^^ then run with my dear Kaiting and Saidah :D Oh gosh i love them:D run with me:D Then , last part of the running kankankan, I chiong all the way ! i got the sticker! Wohooo! my position number 27! :D for the first time in my life, i get this kind of achievement for RUNNING. Which i used to hate the most.. Wow, i wonder whyyy :D And , and i beat someone. :D lols, in your face and try harder next time:D i mean it:D I reach the end of the race.. with Kaiting and Saidah at the 27th position!!!! :D yay! :D huhu!:D Got bronze medal. :D

Went out with Zoey , Natasha and Audrey :D We went crazyyyy:D Wohooo :D Pictures another day .. Ask hosea come :D then he come with his two friends:D then.. then..We had so much fun that i forget everything.. Msg ... Sexy Spongebob but like he so dumb:D Hehe , tagg laa , sponggy! Thenn thenn.. Met Omairah for awhile, MOOD SWINGS here and there.. Haish , difficult:D hehe , then, whuat idk idk ... i forget like mostly everything: Ohhh, me Kaiting and her friends ... Almost gt scolded in the Toys 'r' Us ... Funnny sioll. Manns , i love today:D ^^

I just realise.. Im tooo free these days.. But since last year already liaos.. I like have freedom with my friends.. Thats cool. But , kinda miss the controlled life.. Its better, i think.. TO all my friends out there dun sad.. Cos i always love you ^^

haish... Anyways, i love Cross Country , its funnn!:D wohoo!:D and i love today ; 09.03.10 is remembered. :D

9:01 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, March 8, 2010
kisses for you . . .

im feeling sad.. but high.. Wheee.. Yeah im madd.. :D eeeee, tomorrow got.. CROSS COUNTRY-.- lols.. i know i know.. Must runn .. oh well , whuat ever.. byeee:D

10:37 PM
Yours truly. elyana

short smurf and sexy spongebob are friends back to normal:D

Huhu! Me and Sexy Spongebob are talking again .. no more fighting.. My good friend not fighting with me anymore.. Huhu! Ehy , sexy spongebob if u are reading this right... Pls, tagg okks? if not i kill ya.. :P
Muahaha, first , we begin talking through... MSN pm messages.. Danggg how weird .. we keep on continuing talk through the pm messages.. very weird of us.. But we are cool .. Weird people are cool :P .. okks thats very random:D haha.. I feel like eating someone up.. serious .. Hmm, eventhough smurf is small and too cute (self-praise) , I still can eat uuuu up! :P huhu! i miss sabrina :( i also miss.. U know who.. And i miss the sweet couple.. "omairah&... " hehe.. i wont sayy.. :P lols.. Stupid , sexy spongebob sleep so early -.- ... Now left me alone.. haish.. sad manns :D .. Hehe. U see uhh, my nonsensetical come back-.- haish.. Cos of the kaya bread :P .. haha:D okks laaa. i dun want my mum to nagg at me.. bye then:D i love uu all!:D


1:01 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, March 7, 2010
this is where it all ends.

bye.. im no longer the girl u used to know past few months.. I have no more energy and nuthing left for me.. Its just dark secrets....Stupid love being by my side.. but its worthlesss. Im just tired of my life.. Why am i telling uu this anyway.. Like u freaking care abt my effing life.. no one.. U may say "oh, thats whuat u think. But theres a lot of people care about u out there. " .. Fck, shut up.. They dont, geddit? And two the both of uu.. Whuat the hell? Shut up with ur farking relationship.. Ur girlfie is hated. Getdat. god i may just turn from bad to worse, with no freaking guidance.. In fact from the start of last year. Im bad, and , yesh , im blaming uu.. uu fcktard. It is all cos of uuu , flirt , ass hole .. Freaktard. Urghhh.. so much words on my mind i wish i could shower them on uuuu.. Cos u deserve it. And i mean it. And u , the stuptard. Stop talking to me about  that laddy that was hated.. Whuatever on ur face cos i know i dun give a damn yet uuu like.. "oooo, this that .. " whuatever laaaa.. i dun hate uu,, ur talking make me hate you soooo much. urghh god, i know i am giving up soon.. But , its time i will do the "silence treatment" .. Be the quiet me. Cos that is whuat i am.

Fingers pointed up to u people.


2:04 AM
Yours truly. elyana

its a mistake.

Im emo-ing.. Its just mistake.. To fall in love... i very tired... To talk to him... serious.. I know im pretty..  Lols, im back to my nonsensetical :D... Huhu, oh god, theres a woman wailing in my room..Scary siaa, make me have goosebumps. urghhh.. Please stop crying... make me ... wanna peee... eshy... I also want vomit.. cos.. i eat.. but no FOOD!! i wanna ... to show my photographies :

this is mia emo-ings.

this hosea, dun want to take picture-.-""

canddi of Hosea emoing.


nice photography.


mia's houseXD

pizza huts! with mia and sabweeena.

in the end.. i feel tired liaos...byebye.. my ear hurts.. very pain... very pains.. very pains.. ouch.. i hope i can make u stop crying.. 

12:27 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Monday, March 1, 2010

Alot alot  things happen.. Go to my sis blog if uu wanna know .. i think she gt write it dwn.. i dnt think she wrote it dwn.. well.. uhhh. very hard to explain.. well... Idk laa. first i fighting with my boy and that sucks to core uuu know.. like soo fcking irritating lor. Urghhh, i did it! my campcraft competition.. it was successful but result have not decided yet.. haish. I wish we in the top 10:D yay:D lols.. ala, nehmind laa. i very lazzyyyy to update-.- .. lols, oh lookies i change my blog skin!:D nice huh.. ? abit like my sis one right? i know i know. lols.. Audrey, sry i very lazzzy to link uu.. just keep reminding me can? lols..


1:07 AM
Yours truly. elyana