love locked down
my love has been standing strong
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hi, im Aunty Shahira :)

I don't know , Is like is he keeping to my promise or is he doing this because is his hobby? Well anyway that was just some kind of random thinking i had since just now :) Well , 2 more minutes my sister's birthday over :) Gosh she had about 130+ wishes , Stupid. I just wanna say happy birthday boo boo or poo poo :D Enjoy my phone :( I shouldn't have  give you my phone before i get a new phone for myself . But who cares, I always keep to my promise . Remember that :P Hahaha, I feel like sleeping . But i don't want . Because i lazy :P I miss smelling a person hair. God, that was random. And , i love being called aunty shahira.. Imma Aunty you know , in class :) haha.. Okkehs , thats enough of randomness.. I should get some rest... Because exams is today -.-


12:07 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Exams coming .

Hullo people, sorry its been sucha long time since i wrote on my blog.. Maybe its because i studyy (: I good girl mah . Cheyy Fat hope .. :D This thursday is my Soul Sister birthday , wonder what to buy or do for her. Im giving my white phone to her then buying new phone on friday.. I guess ..I hope soo .. Stupid starhub sim card.. Oh yesh pls dont message me on that number. :D The current one.. I might be getting new number :D soo hold on there :D On Friday, exams!! Officially panic !!! Urghh .. I study also no use.. I only studyy science.. My maths i do assessment books .. that sucks cos i dont understand a thing .. ): SO sedih .. Ohh yesh i lazy type some more. So continue read my lifestory , boring .. And tagg always.. Just dont tagg nonsense (:

11:59 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Saturday, April 17, 2010
I have no more words.

Hullo there.. I changed my blogskin because. It sucks , boring and spoiled.. The alignment is not right anymore.. Haha.. So, I change it plus the song.. Well the song got something to do with the skin to.. Don't you realise? Haha.. Nehmind..

It's not that happening at all.. Quite angry with someone just because the someone don't want to help me lend her paper.. Shouldn't lend my paper to her for photocopy if i had knew that she won't help me.. Stupid. Walaos. Make me freaking angry. Then, I got NPCC. Got POP(passing-out parade). Haha.. Gonna miss my lovely seniors. Some of them .. The one that im close with .. Its soo obvious with whom i close with. :D The EX chairwoman herself and she turn into ma'am Already .. SI some more .. Haha. wow.. During the POP , My lovely Sajiah was sick .. Very sick so she like crying cos she can't breathe something like that. Me and Xavier suppose to take care of her.. Then now.. Eshy. So angry with myself.. Should stop her from standing.. Haish..
Sajiah~ i hope you get well soon .. So that all of can joke non stop like last time.. I hope nothing happen to you. :D Get well soon aites. Yay... Next week will be going for measurements .. :D Wohooo!!! then maybe , few weeks later then get mu full U!!! Happy you! Haish.. I lazzy type some more.. Too much laa :D Dome other day bah :D
Hope you enjoy my new blog skin :D

4:43 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hullo,people.. :D Sorry long time never update.. Very tired uhh.. Haha.. haiyurhh.. I been quite busy with youtube. Tell you more later aites. Haha. 

Today, I hate today but .. It was alright since i ran 2.4 today and my timing was 16 miins plus.. How good.. First time in my life i passed my 2.4 running. Well , i've becoming more fit. Don't ask me why :P Haha, okks.. Then, suppose to go to stadium with Hosea and friends to run again. But, in the stadium theres an event so yaaa.. ): Can't run.. Hehe.. ): Quite sad though.. Haha... Lols.. Then then was bored, so went home.. Lols. Then when i on my way home in the bus .. I saw Fatin , Well she pretty ayes.. Haha.. Then , I almost fall.. Blame on my clumsyness, No I should blame .... The bus driver for a sudden stop. Cheyy jokings. Then , She laugh haha.. Haha, then i went home .. Then i receive a shock news. From that onwards .. I don't want to talk to my mum.. Cos she suck.. Dun wanna to elaborate further.. Some thing aren't meant to be shared. But , I used to share everything with this CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE friend.. not exactly friend.. More than that.. Haha.. Confirm Zoey know who.. And my other babys :D Haha. Okks enough of that. (: 

Okks.. Youtube.. I'm crazy about Nigahiga videos? I duno why.. One day i was finding a funny video and then i stumbled upon THE NIGAHIGA , Yeah.. Then i realise that Ryan higa is so Hot.. Haha.. Lols. And i love his laughter .. How cute.. And it sound familiar. Lols. Haha. I dun wanna to say.. 

Thats all for now.. I very lazzy to type some more. Off to watch videos.. :D


10:56 PM
Yours truly. elyana

Thursday, April 8, 2010

9:56 PM
Yours truly. elyana

I know tomorrow wont turn out nice.

God, you will never know how I am feeling right now. I'm fucking sad dunno why. Why? Cos my life isn't like it used to be. I just feel so swingy and moody. Tomorrow, its gonna be a bad day. Explain tomorrow aites. Yeah and tomorrow... Im gonna run never stopping , proving myself to you. But i hope you apprieciate it soo much. I know for the sake of a friend, u will treat me as if imma friend of yours but the truth is you dun want . You just hate me dun you? Yeah and.. I know not only you hate me, you dun wanna be reminded of the bittersweet memories. I was trying to remember what bittersweet memories we had. I can remember , but once i did , it will scratch or even pierce into my heart. I feel like crying. Was gonna emotional breakdown or like mental breakdown like as usual, but i have no more tears to cry as everyday i cried .. I guess it dried up or God won't let me shed another tear for you . Im trying to be happy yknow. But i just can't. After a smile, i will be sad. No matter how hard i try to keep my smile up. 

12:17 AM
Yours truly. elyana

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Words that describes my heart best.

It's been sucha long time since i vent my anger or even tell a story of my life. Well. Lots of things happened. And , its hard for me to tell the story one by one. Well , i went to many place with my NPCCs friends . They rocks. But , Love strucks. Yeah. How did that happen? i duno .. Well , he only said , only friends .. THen we became close friends.. He just said that again. ANd hurt my heart deeply.. And and .. I duno .. My heart seems to feel broken ,, SO pain.. Well , A line of girls queue for him. HOW great.. Hmm, I duno laaa. Just hurt my heart badly.. haish.

11:05 PM
Yours truly. elyana